Ch. 7 That's A Load!

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Bella's POV

I sat on the couch with Renesme talking. I was at the end of the "L" shaped couch. Tanya walked in. She ignored me and walked to Edward. She twirled her hair and smiled while flirting with him.

" Do you want to go out, Eddie?", asked Tanya.

" Well, I...I-", I stopped Edward and was behind Tanya before he could answer.

" Wh-", I stopped her and my fist made contact with her face. She lunged at me but landed on Alice who attacked her back but missed and hit Rose. Jasper started getting defensive about Alice and soon everyone was fighting. Even Renesme and Jake. Me and Emmett were just sitting there laughing but decided to join in on all the fun. I heard Esme start yelling and Carslile walk in.

" CHILDREN!!!", Carslile yelled.

" Please, girls. Explain what happened.", Esme asked me and Tanya.

" Well, Esme. I was sitting there talking to Edward when Bella came over and attacked me for no reason. Then she got everyone else to attack me!", Tanya fake frowned.

" That's a load!", Emmett yelled.

" Esme, what really happened was that Tanya was flirting with Bella and that didn't really flow. She upset her and Bella may have lightly punched her, then Tanya lunged at me, and Jasper got mad, I lunged at Tanya and fell on Rosalie than Rosalie lunged for me but Jasper flew in front of me and knocked himself into Renesme which made Jake mad but Renesme was confused. Then Emmett and Bella randomly fought each other.", Alice yelled at the end because Tanya was arguing.


Short, the original chapter got deleted so.... I had to redo.

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