Thirty Eight

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The honeymoon was more than what Cody and I could have expected, we relaxed and had a lot of sex, but none of those resulted in a baby, because here I am, on my period. All I wanted was to have a baby again, but this time it's proving to be a little difficult. 

"It's okay baby, we can try again on New Year's Eve, isn't that when your ovulation in set for?" Cody asked after I told him that I got my period. "Yeah, that night actually is when it's at the peak and great to get pregnant." I said as I crawled back into bed with him. 

"It's also Christmas, so Merry Christmas baby." He said as he kissed my forehead. "Merry Christmas my love, I am so excited to see the boys open their presents." I said and he smiled. Just as he was about to say something, we heard the boys in their rooms and it was time to get up for the day. 

"Good Morning my babies! Merry Christmas!" I said going into their room, the boys share a room out here in Arizona, but in California, they have their own rooms. I grabbed Logan while Cody grabbed Alex and we got them ready for the day as we were hosting Christmas dinner with both of our families. 

When we brought the boys downstairs their eyes lit up when they saw all the presents. I put Logan down and he ran over to the presents and I helped him open his while Cody helped Alex. "I think that it was a very successful Christmas in opening presents." I said as the boys were now just happy playing with their toys. 

"Oh yeah it was. Here is your gift, I know we said no gifts, but I had to get you something." Cody said handing me a little bag. "Okay, glad we know each other so well because I got you something too." I said handing him a box. 

"You first." Cody said and I took the tissue paper out of the bag and saw a few different things. Tree Hut Sugar Scrub for the shower, a phone case with just Cody, Logan and Alex on it from the wedding and a paper. 

I was confused when I took out the paper and opened it up and read that Cody got me and my mom and spa day for whenever we wanted. "There is one more thing in there." Cody said after I thanked him for the spa day. 

I gave him a confused look and looked in the bag. I saw a little box and I picked it up and opened it and saw another ring, but this time it had a C and as I looked closer, our wedding date was engraved in it. 

"Cody this is super sweet, I love it. Thank you." I said leaning over and giving him a kiss. "I thought that is one ring that you could wear besides your wedding and engagement ones. That took two months to come in, I thought it wasn't going to be done in time." He said and I smiled as I put it on my ring finger on my right hand. 

"It's perfect, but now it's your turn." I said and he smiled and opened up the box, I just put everything in one box, make it easier. I got him a new watch, some cologne, a new pair of sneakers, even though he didn't need them, and some clothes. 

"I couldn't help myself." I said and he laughed. "I love the watch babe, wait what's this?" He said as he was looking at the watch. "I had the times that Logan was born, when Alex was born and when we got married, the person said that if and when we have more kids we can do more engravings of when they are born too." I said. 

"That's amazing, thank you babe." He said and he leaned over and gave me a kiss. "Alright, let's get this cleaned up and get to cooking." I said and he nodded and we cleaned up all the wrapping paper and put the TV on for the boys and headed into the kitchen to start making food for dinner. 

We were doing Ham, twice baked potatoes, in mashed form which are better in my opinion, green beans, buffalo chicken dip for appetizer and each of our family members were bringing something as well. AJ was bringing Pie, my dad and his girlfriend were bringing the rolls and a dessert, my mom and step dad were bringing a pie as well as some cookies, Cody's parents were bringing a side dish and an appetizer, Cole, well he was bringing beer and Ashli and Kurt were bringing a dessert. 

"So, how was the honeymoon?" Ashli asked as we were all just hanging around after dinner waiting for everything to settle to start opening presents. "It was so relaxing, I want to go back." I said. "Baby?" She asked. "Nope, not this month, started my period this morning." I said and she sighed. 

"You guys will get pregnant, when can you try again?" She asked. "New Years eve, is the next ovulation day that is a high chance." I said and she smiled. "I'm sure you guys will have another baby in no time." She said.

"I really hope you're right Ash, because it's so easy when you make an oops baby, but when you're actually trying it's hard." I said. "I know it is, it took us three months with Kinsley, so you'll get there, I promise." 

I really hope she was right because trying and trying wasn't fun and I wasn't ready to go through the heartbreak of seeing all the negative tests over and over again.

What I Never Knew I Always Wanted ~ Cody BellingerWhere stories live. Discover now