Birthday Gift [ friendship]

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" And the best singer of 2021 award goes to - . Any guesses?" said the anchor .

The audience was silent as the competition was quite tough and it was difficult to guess the winner.

"no guesses . ok so let me tell the best singer award of 2021 goes to MISS AVNEET"

And the hall was filled with applauses . And Avneet hiding her tears walked up to stage and received her award .

"congratulations miss Avneet . To whom you would like to give this credit of your success?"

avneet took the mic

" I would like to give credit to my mother vibha nigam , brother Abhishek Nigam and.....and (tears welled up in her eyes ) to my supporter, my savior , my sunshine. " said avneet and descended the stairs .

As soon as she get down from the stage she received a bone crushing hug from her mother and brother.

"you gave him the best gift on his birthday avneetayyy If he would be here today he would have been so happy " said abhishek

"why are you saying like this abhi ? he is always with us , always with you Avneet "

Avneet nodded .

After sometime the award function came to an end and they all came out . There was an interview of avneet today so they moved towards interview room.

As she settled on the chair interviewers started asking questions .

Interviewer 1- Ma'am why you don't use any surname ?

Interviewer 2- Ma'am who is that supporter to whom you give credit of your success ?

Interviewer 3- pls tell us your success story .

interviewer1- Ma'am you always said that you will give answer on the right day but there can be no better day than today bcz you won the dream award of every singer today .

Avneet smiled.

Avneet - ya you are right today is the special day not bcz I won this award but today The Earth was blessed with an amazing person . The one because of whom I am standing here . So ya today I will answer your all questions .

Abhishek and vibha smiled at her .

Avni - I never used any surname bcz in India the surname of father is used by daughters but I have no one whom I can call my Father . I have two mothers but no Father . My so called father abandoned me.

Interviewers were shocked .

Interviewer - why would sm1 abandon a gem like you ?

Avneet - Well today I won this award but will you all believe me If I say that I was not able to speak properly till I was 13.

after getting no answer she resumed .

Avneet - well certainly not . so let's start with my life story .

Interviewers nodded.


My so called father is one of the richest businessman of our country . I wasn't able to speak till I was 5 . And when I started speaking I used to stammer 3-4 times in a word . My father always thought that I was disgrace to his Image . As most of businessman launch their kids after they turn 18 , So nobody really knows about me . my father hated me to the core . He wanted to send me to orphanage but my mom always stopped him . But when I turned 10 he sent me to orphanage against my mother's will .My mother submitted enough money in orphanage in which I can complete my study in best school and colleges . After somedays my mom came to meet me in orphanage .

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