the reunion part 2

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Mirabel went back to her Tío Brunos room because she was afraid of being caught while the family was talking about her.

"you knew she was in the walls with me?" Bruno asked Dolores.

"yeah, I tried not to listen to anything you two said though." Dolores replied.

"thanks" he said simply.

"ok but even if she knew the tunnels were there before, how did she know they were here now?" Camilo asked.

everyone shrugged and looked at each other for an answer.

"I feel like we are spending too much time on the wrong things," Isabela started.

"Well what do you suggest we spend time on?" Camilo asked.

"I don't know... maybe... FINDING MY SISTER!" Isabela yelled moving her hands in front of her like it was obvious.

"well where do we start?" Julieta asked.

"We split up and search the house, two people stay in the hallway, one upstairs, one down, one person goes around the house, one goes in the walls, four go into the village and four search the rooms." Dolores said counting the people in the room.

"ok, who wants to go into town?" Isabela asked.

"Ill go, ill get Sofia and her family to help too." Camilo said, Sofia being his girlfriend.

"Ill go too, and get my friends to help." Antonio said.

"Mariano and I can go too, ill drop the baby off with his Mamá." Dolores chimed in.

"ok, that's four." Isabela said, "now, who wants to keep watch outside casita?"

Felíx volunteered to stay outside casita to keep watch and Abuela and Pepa decided to guard the hallway. Bruno offered to search the rooms, so he could search his own and no one would find Mirabel but he was told to search the walls because he knew them best. So Julieta, Augustine, Isabela and Louisa were left to search the rooms, which is what they wanted to do in the first place.

The family split up to search for their long lost relative. Mirabel's immediate family decided everyone would search the rooms on a certain wall. they all went into one of the rooms on their wall and came out a few minutes later. each finding nothing. Then they each searched the second door and again, nothing. Augustine and Isabela each had one door left on their wall. Louisa decided to join Isabela in her last room and Julieta joined her husband. The couple walked into the last room and saw nothing, no sign of their daughter. they searched and searched, but nothing. 

Meanwhile, the sisters had gone into Brunos room. They found nothing at first. then Isabela got down on the floor and ducked her head under the bed. There was a muffled scream and then Isabela drug out something, or someone from under the bed. It was one of Brunos rats! jk it was Mirabel. her hand was coving Isabela's mouth which explains why her scream was muffled. Once she stood up her two sisters embraced her. 

"ok... i... can't... breath..." she managed to get out after a minute or so.

"Sorry, we're just, really happy you're back." Louisa loosened her grip on her little sister.

"I missed you guys too." Mirabel smiled at them.

"So where have you been?" Isabela asked.

"I've been living in this town a few hours away. I moved in with my friend and her family, they took me in when I arrived. I have a few friends and..." Mirabel stopped.

"what? do you...? Oh my gosh Mira do you have a boyfriend?" Louisa asked.

Mirabel looked at the floor as she started to blush.

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