coming out of the walls (not the closet)

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The Madrigal family gathered downstairs for breakfast the next morning. Everyone was pretty much silent following the disappointing events of last night. They sat around the table waiting for Abuela to start her speech about how today was gonna be a better day and things that needed to be done around the house need to be done.

"Family, today we continue our search for Mirabel, but this time, we will split up into groups and search surrounding villages."

The family gasped at her willingness to let them do that, and were so caught up in what she had said that none of them had noticed the figure that had walked into the room.

"I don't think that's necessary." Mirabel said standing in the doorway.

"Mira-" Julieta and Augustine said under their breath in astonishment.

"Hola Mamá y Papá" Their long lost daughter said as they rushed over to embrace her.

Isa and Louisa followed, keeping up the act that they didn't know she was here.

the five tightly embraced but finally let go when other came over to hug her as well. Once everyone but Abuela had hugged her Mira was left standing facing Abuela.

"Mira, Im so sorry. you never hurt our family, I did. AN dim truly sorry for making you fell like you did all those years."

"Thanks, but I know." Mira replied.

"Wait- what?" Everyone questioned.

"Then, why did you leave?" Pepa asked.

"Oh don't get me wrong, I left because thought I was the reason casita fell apart and the family and the candle and the magic were broken and I you all hated me for it and I thought that for a while. But then about six months after I left someone helped me realize it wasn't my fault at all." Mirabel explained.

"Then why didn't you come back?" Camilo asked.

Oh shit. she feared that question and from the looks of that her family did too.

"Well... I didn't come back for many different reasons, one I thought you all hated me and blamed me, two I hadn't really forgiven any of you for how you treated me, and three I like my new life." She sighed, she felt bad telling them the truth but knew they would ask her questions so decided to talk about her new life, "I have friends and people who, no offense, don't know you guys. they don't compare me to my formally gifted family where I just happened to be the only one who wasn't special." She could feel the anger bubbling up inside her, "and another thing is they don't invalidate my feelings, and, quite frankly, they make me fell like I belong somewhere, which again, no offense, ive never felt in my entire life." The more she talked about her feelings the angrier she got, apparently she had a lot of built up rage for her family. 

"Mirabel, we could never hate you," Abuela started.

"Really? well how am I supposed too know that when all you've ever done is tell me how everything is my fault, 'What did YOU do? what did YOU say to her?' 'Bruno left because of YOU, Louisa lousing her powers, Isabela's out of control because of YOU, I dont know why you weren't given a gift, but it is not an excuse for YOU to hurt this family.' yeah, that played in my head on repeat for six months without end because of YOU." oh shit, she snapped.

"Mirabel, im so sorry I said those things to you," Abuela said.

"thank you but im sorry, I- I lost my head, I came back here to make things right and here I am bringing up the past. look, it happened, I left and it all worked out because here I am."

"yes, so I love that you're back, we all do, but why edit you comeback?" Camilo asked.

Everyone glared at him and Dolores slapped his arm with the back of her hand.

"What its just a question!" He remarked.

"Its fine, I just thought it was time I came back." Mirabel said, not ready to admit to them that she was going to leave in the next couple days to get married to someone they have never met.

"Oh and you might want this back," Isa said grabbing her satchel and handing it to her.

"Oh thanks, yeah I guess I left it somewhere in the house."

"oh yeah how did we not find you?" Augustine asked.

"well I never stayed in the same place, so at fist I was in the walls and then mamá and tía Pepa came into the walls so I ran to the other painting and went into the bathroom and I was there until after you had all searched the house, then I went to tío Brunos room, then back into the walls overnight."

"Wow..."everyone was astonished at how she had pulled off hiding in a house of 13 people.

"Ok well, I dont know how hungry you all are, but im starving." Her and her family made their way over to their dinging room table where they sat and ate and talked about what was happening in their lives. Specifically Camilo's girlfriend, Dolores's wedding and child and anything else that happened in the past five years.


seriously the amount of people that read this and like it sm astonishes me, im so grateful for all of you and all the love and support. I opened my computer and it said over 600 reads and I swear  my heart stopped thank you all sm!!!

I know this chapter was short but I wanted to separate it from the next part

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