was it really a mistake?-5

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you might be wondering  why chesley got so mad at sally, well first lets back track it a bit to when sally said it was their 9th anniversery. Sally is 20 and justin is 19 they started dating on novermber 9th 2012, but on december 1st of 2014 justin cheated on sally with someone, so sally went to chesley and started crying and just upset about why happened and so chesley told sally to break up with justin so she did. They started dating and not even a month later both sal and chelsey broke up and sally went to justin. This happen often and it was just kinda of not right for sally to say she hated justin for cheating and love chelsey but then say she loved justin and didnt love chesley. Chesley moved away in 2015 to balkwid high and thats where she got arrested. She couldnt forget sally and decided to talk to her on the jail phone. They got closer and chelsey started to devlope a crush on sally and once again sally told chesley that justin cheated, this was the end for chesley they were going to meet up and talk about it (this was after she got out of jail)  

they met up in a park and started to talk about justin  chesley told sally that justin was a bitch and she needed to get away from him,  without thinking sally punched her "omg im so sorry,it was a mistake i swear!" was it though? no, it wasnt chelsey overheard sally telling justin that chelsey needed that punch and if she didnt know chesley she would have beat her up. chesley ran away to bring food to joshua, sally didnt know chesley had heared what she said but she did.

back to the story










everyone stood in shock as chelsey had never yelled at sally, on the other hand winnie, stacey, chiyo,jacob and erinne were trying to get joshua off of justin because he was half way dead. "LET ME AT HIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM." "Bro joshua chill the fuck out dude he's half way dead." Joshua did not care though he just wanted justin dead, all the way dead. You might be thinking why arent the teachers doing anything, well thats because the teachers dont give a shit about justin because of all the false and true rumors about him.

5 minutes later

"Joshua you need to calm your anger, you nearly killed him." Erinne said sternly to joshua, which ended up with him rolling his eye not carring about what anyone had to say to him in the moment. Lets just say the car ride home was the most akward thing ever. "So how is everyones life so farrr." winnie said which brightend the mood faster then expceted, "Im going to plug in my music if thats fine." Chiyo said. after all the songs past bye no one thought this song would play.


Once they got home they all aggreed to sleeping over at chesleys house. "We should play monopoly, i think it would be a great starting sleepover game." Stacey said , before anyone could answer joshua screamed "YES!" Chesley knowing everyone would lose went along with play monopoly. After like 2 hours they heared the door bell ring.

*ring ding dong ring ding dong ring ding dong*

They werent excpeting this person to show up and interupt their gameplay but it was......

find out later when i feel like posting part 6

Jacob x Joshua rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now