Chapter 25

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What the actual hell? I have never seen anything move incredibly fast like that

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What the actual hell? I have never seen anything move incredibly fast like that.

That is definitely not a wolf. Niko growls.

I slowly start moving closer to the borderline. The warriors watch me closely and scan the area around us.

I just need to get that package and I rather do it, instead of Claire coming out to get it. This is not even a task I would give the warriors, even though they would have got it if asked.

We don't know what this thing is. I truly don't want to chance any of our warriors or Claire, until I know that box smells clean at the least.

Bending over the first thing that catches me attention is writing on top of the lid. The box itself is made of actual wood. I take in a deep breath, but don't smell anything out of the ordinary other then a strong smell of that herbs from that guy.

I pick the box up and it is as light as a feather, other than the weight of the wood. This is odd. So the box is empty?

Making my way back over to Claire, I show her the box. Her eyebrows raise in question looking at it.

"I guess we better take this back to the house and we can open it in the office." Claire says, while looking at me.

I thank the warriors for everything and they go back to keeping watch. 

Claire keeps up with me walking back to the pack house, but she keeps side eyeing the box in my hands. Nathan and Alastair both are still in their wild forms following closely behind.

Reaching the pack house, Claire holds the door open for me and the guys. They move around while Layla and Hailey bring them clothes. They shift instantly, and start dressing.

We all move to go up the stairs. Going into the office, I put the box down on the table in front of the couch.

Claire has been usually quiet, but is staring at the box.

Everyone gathers around the box, causing a major suspense to hang in the air.

Making out the writing on the top it just says, For the Luna of Dark River.

"Someone was very specific." Nathan mumbles, looking at the box.

"It is light as a feather, for it being wood." I add.

Claire's hand moves out and she unlatches the little piece on the front of the box. Everyone sucks a deep breath of air into their lungs, without removing our eyes from Claire and the box.

She opens the lid, and we all exhale in shock.

There laying inside the velvet lined box is a single piece of paper.

Okay, someone is very over the top for paper. Is normal mail underrated? Niko questions.

He isn't wrong though, this is over the top. Someone wanted to make a dramatic entrance for what appears to be a letter.

Claire sits on the couch holding the paper. Her eyes turning colors, letting us all know Azure is present too.

Opening the note she starts to read it out loud.

"My sweet, wonderful One Luna. You think you have been clever at hiding from me, then you are sadly mistaken. My puppets may have failed, but don't worry I have been preparing for you. Are you ready for me? Or are you still being a scared little girl? Shame on you really though for taking all my play things out within the area surrounding you. It has been to quiet since you have learned to pick the traitors out. No mind in the matter though, I know where you are and don't need the petty information on what your doing." She stops reading the letter to take a breath.

"I have heard you have that foxy creature with you again. Then there is the matter of your mate and all those wolves you surround yourself with. No matter I have lured you away once. Although it was no fun, that first human girl put up no fight. So, I am looking forward to meeting you soon and seeing what you have in store to face me in person without being lured away." She stops and looks up at me.

I move to sit next to her, just wanting to comfort her some.

She flips the note over and her hands start to tremble some.

"May the moon save you." She reads the one line wrote on the back.

No one says a word, just taking in the fact that we have something from the presumable 'Master' himself.

"Could that be a clue as to when he may come?" Nathan asks.

"That would make sense, yes." Alastair nods.

"That only gives us two days time until the full moon." I tell everyone.

Claire sits up straighter and clears her throat. Everyone snaps their attention to her.

"If he is looking for a fight then he will get one. A full moon is my strongest point." Claire says, with a ferocious look.

"I will make sure the safe rooms are stocked." Melissa speaks up for the first time.

"I will too." Hailey adds.

"Thank you both. I prefer for you to be within one of those rooms Melissa." Claire gives her a pointed look.

Melissa gives her a nod, without putting up a fight.

"I will be with you." Layla says looking at Claire.

"I will grab the warriors and start placing the traps." Nathan speaks up moving towards the door.

"Here is the key to open the storage area where we keep all the supplies for what you will need." I get up and grab the key from the hidden compartment in my desk.

Nathan takes the key and heads out the door in a hurry.

"We will all need some good hearty meals until then to help improve and keep up strength. So, I will go down and talk to Fiona and help her." Hailey gets up and moves to the door.

Melissa trails behind saying it is the least she can do as well. Layla trails behind them saying she is pitching in to help.

"I am going to let you two have some privacy." Alastair says before leaving the office.

"We have done all we can. The only thing left is to get things put in place." I softly say, moving over next to Claire.

I wrap my arms around her and she melts into my embrace.

"We are ready." Her voice comes out deeper, with a slight growl.

"I will be right here the entire way. We do this together." I pull back to look at her.

She pulls me in and gives me a passionate kiss, putting all her feelings into it.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Some crazy things going on in this chapter!

Who thought the box would only contain a simple letter? Little over the top isn't it?

Do you think they are ready for the fighting to begin? They are finishing up the final pieces! Let's hope it's enough!

Lots of love going out to all my lovely readers! Thank you for all the comments and votes as they make my day!

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