Chapter 35

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"Sis you need to eat

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"Sis you need to eat." Nathan tells her.

Claire does not bother reponding, but opens the wrap and takes the smallest of nibbles.

"How are you doing?" I ask Nathan looking over at him. I can see a bandage from under his shirt.

"I am ready to get up and help, but they keep me sitting for now. Doc says to take it easy." Nathan shrugs.

"How bad was the bullet wound?" I get more specific.

"Sucks some but I can at least walk without a limp." He smirks as me.

"You ass." I laugh.

"Nah, I will be good to go before long. Just need a day. They had to take out my appendix, thankfully it was nothing to important." He looks at me.

"On the walk over I seen quite a bit of damage. I am guessing it is from the wind speeds we had during the fight." I tell him.

He nods his head. "Much to do."

"That there is. I would like to do something for the injured and grieving." I let him in on my train of thought.

"Everyone loves a bonfire." Nathan's reply is simple.

"We could I mean, it seems to be our thing. A dance would not be right. The bonfire we could do, plus for the fire we could get those salts out that change the flame colors." I amuse over the idea.

"That is what everyone needs just seeing us together. It would also answer their questions should they have any." Nathan agrees.

We go over things that needs to be addressed and things that will probably need to be fixed that didn'thave any direct damage I seen. Plus, what to do with all the enemies that are just laying there. The ladies join in on what they have heard as well, so we start a list of everything.

Right when we are trying to pinpoint the most important items to do first, a throat clearing bring our attention to the doctor.

"I am sorry to bother everyone, but we have officially finished tending to everyone with injuries." He speaks up.

"That is wonderful news. Now everyone just needs to get some much needed rest." I stand to shake his hand.

"Before you and the Luna leave. I would just like to do a check on you Luna. Your the only one to not be looked over since the fight. I would just feel comfortable clearing you, even though phyiscally you look fine." He tells us.

"If you must." She stands.

I watch her as she gives the others a hug and wishes them well resting. Only the moon knows they all need it.

The doctor leads us through the doors again and takes her into a room. I sit in the chair as Doc has her on the bed.

He goes about his way of making sure she doesn't have any physcial injuries. Before his questions start up.

Claire answers him truthfully that she has been tired but it has been that way for awhile now before the fight.

I add in how she has seemed to be a bit faster to snap hormonal wise. Which just about earns me the hard glare in history, but the floor seems to be more interesting.

"I am going to step out for a few minutes, I will be right back I just want to check something." The doctor has a giddy look on his face and rushes out of the room.

"What was that about? He is normally so serious, to see him smile is kinda creepy." Claire finally lets out a small laugh of her own.

"Beats me." I chuckle.

Doc rounds the corner and is carrying one item and rolling in some weird machine.

"I want an ultrasound. It will be the quickest way to see if my guess is right. Just lay on your back for me. I want to try this first." He shakes a hand held thing that almost looks like a radio with microphone attached.

Claire lays back and he barely lifts her shirt. He places the weird microphone piece on her stomach and gentle moves it around while hold the main part.

"Uh, what are you doing there?" I finally have to ask.

"Oh this is a Doppler." His repsonse it simple.

Then all of a sudden a thumping noise sounds out fast through the little doppler thing he said it is. That is to fast for Claire's heartbeat.

"NO! It can't be. I have been doing the shot when it was due. The urine test before the last one I got seven weeks ago was negative." Claire jumps up from the bed.

I move over and take her hand. "I am a little lost here. What are you talking about Claire?" I look between her and Doc, who is grinning like a fool.

"Alpha, your going to be a father." He barely gets out for smiling so hard.

"I am going to get Azure! I told her not to mess with the medication we didn't know how things would turn out. She isn't even listening to me right now, just running around in my head saying she done it." Claire rambles.

I rub her arm. "It is going to be fine, baby." I try and calm her.

Niko is right there with Azure though, he is jumping and bouncing around. You would not think that we just went through a massive fight.

"I'd say you are at least eight week minimum based off of being able to detect the heartbeat with the Doppler. I will get the ultrasound set up and have you remove your joggers, so we can get exact measurements and to ease your worry. I will say being so early there is very little chance that anything harmed the baby, due to how small everything still is. You would have to be in the middle of the second trimester for anything to start harming the baby." The doctor rushes out leaving the room.

"I'm so sorry, Ty. I didn't know I swear I didn't know I was pregnant and we just, oh moon." She just went from shock to crying in three seconds flat.

I pick her up and sit on the bed her in my lap. "Neither of us knew, but you heard the doctor there is barely a chance that the baby is hurt from the fight. It is fine."

"I just wanted to wait before we had a baby until it was over. I am happy, just a shock to know that I actually am." She sniffs.

I pull her in for a kiss. I am over the moon with joy. The pack will be so ecstatic. This news is exactly what we needed after everything.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Surprise! Hehe Claire's pregnant.

How all seen the little snipets I left behind to clue in that it could be a chance?

Claire is about ready to hurt her own wolf, with her messing with Claire's own plan.

More to come!

Thank you to every reading! The comments and votes make my day and truly enjoy each one of them!

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