Chapter 30

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I take one step shifting in a second

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I take one step shifting in a second. We run out in front of us several steps, meeting Juilian head on.

We clash into a heap on the ground, from the force of us running into each other. Azure has us growling, biting, and clawing at any part we touch him.

Juilian tries to wrap his hands around our neck, but we keep twisting our body to where he can't grab us easily. I bite onto his hand, pulling and tugging it all I can while moving around. I need to at least get it to where he can't use his hands.

All of a sudden we are being thrown through the air and land on the ground. My paws drive into the ground, as we skid to a stop. Turning to face this bastard once again.

Growls sound out around us. As the other people with Juilian start racing out onto the field. I watch as our warriors go head first back into fighting with them. Leaving Tyler and Alastair to flank me on both sides, as I stalk back towards Juilian.

Less than a second later, a blast of purple blinds us all. A chanting starting coming from Juilian's mouth.

I bare my teeth at him, and start moving in around him. The air around us buzzs with the magic he is using, causing a slightly nauseous feel to creep into my gut.

Go with me! Azure growls out to me, Tyler, and Alastair.

We seem to hit an invisible wall not letting us move an inch farther. Our paws are moving, but we aren't going anywhere. It is like some ridiculous cartoon.

The night sky above us stares to be covered with thunderous clouds. Speeds from wind starts to pick up, making it hard to stay in one spot and not blown away.

Heat the ground! Azure helps me to know what we need to do.

We taking a deep breath. I start to focus on the ground below us. I try to work it slow to where all of us can get used to the warming of the grass. Plus, I don't want to actually scorch anyone's paws.

Slow as we keep moving our feet, we are finally able to move once again.

His magic is coming from wind and water. Those are his strong suits. The heat we can do counter reacts it. Azure is quick to keep me update to date on what is actually happening.

I am still way to far out of my league on the know when it comes to this stuff.

Juilian's eyes pop wide at what we have started doing, catching on a little to late. He chants harder, causing the clouds to let rain pour down on us all and the winds get stronger. While he clutches the hand I got his being held close to his chest.

More purple seems to start moving out towards me in lighten bolt form. Azure is quick to help me end them with the fire capability we have.

It makes fire balls light up the area around us as the rain puts it out a second later. We only hope none of our people get hurt by them.

We need to figure something out and fast. This is going nowhere with us not gaining any ground. Losing track of how long we have been at this already.

Tyler and Alastair keep trying to inch off to his sides to try and pin him. Juilian seems to know this, and is strong enough to send the bolts to them and me.

Thankfully, Tyler and Alastair are able to dodge the bolts. I am not near strong enough to take out my bolts and all of the ones going in their direction.

We are going to try something new. It may or may not work. You keep focusing on the heating of the ground and taking as many bolts out as you can so we can move. I am going to try and see if I can suspend him in mid air. Azure rushes out.

I don't get any time to answer her once it registers on what she is talking about.

Right when I go to tell her not to, Juilian goes up in the air. A cruel smile spreads on his face.

Wrong move!

He said he is also part griffin. The spell he has been casting kept him planted as well and not even our abilities was letting him off the ground because it was not enough.

Now though, Azure got him off the ground and his own spell does not affect him so he can access the other parts of him.

Just as it runs through my mind, wings spread out of his back and he takes off flying fast around us in circles.

I stop paying attention to the bolts, I just have to hope none hit us. Taking that part of my focus onto firing up his wings.

I am knocked off balance when a bolt lands right next to me and makes one paw feel numb from the after shock. Shaking my head, I search for him in the sky.

I keep hearing a hissing sound around. Juilian's vampire side is out to play too now along with the griffin side.

So fire fights against the magic powers he has. Think Claire think! What are the weakness for the griffin and vampires? To much is going on, I know this I know I do!

I got us Claire, you focus. Azure struggles to get out.

The wings are his griffin part, I just need to set them on fire. Then for the vampire side, sunlight is about the only thing to harm that part. He is a hybrid though so some of the normal weakness may not even work.

I keep trying to pinpoint where he is, then all of a sudden I spot him. He is making a loop to come back around.

With his back turned, I stare at his wing on the right side. Going through the steps I learned with Azure a while back I try to see the wing on fire.

By the time he is not far from us in the air, his right wing finally catches flame.

Holding onto to fire that I can the rain seems to start pouring harder. The rain doesn't put out the fire, I am holding onto. It forces him to fall to the ground.

Bingo! At least he is back on our level and now stuck. We know not to make that mistake again.

Juilian let's out a deafening scream once the flames reach his back skin. As quick as the wings came he lets them go back into hiding, making the flame vanish out too.

Tyler and Alastair take the oppurnity to pin him down, by both of his arms to the ground.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Some fighting going on! Along with some mistakes from the crew.

The game of back and forth can't last long.

Now seeing how strong Juilian is versus Claire, Tyler and Alastair. Do you still think they can take him down?

 Do you still think they can take him down?

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