Chapter 19

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Her head felt heavy and made out of concrete. She didn’t understand what was going on, but something didn’t feel right. Her intuition was screaming at her that something bad had happened. But what? What happened? What could be so bad?

There was a haze over her mind.

            Sighing, Echo opened her eyes to see nothing but darkness. Darkness was the only thing that greeted her. It enveloped her and cradled her like a little girl with a teddy bear in the comforting arms of her mother. She couldn’t see anything that was in front of her.

            Where the hell am I?

            Cursing, she tried to remember the last couple of events that happened before she blacked out. What happened? Thinking for a little while, it hit her. She remembered there was a huge, gaping hole in the front of her house now because…because of a Dragon. Shit! Not only a Dragon but the same Dragon, who has harassed the whole town for the last couple of weeks, but why did he want her?

            What else happened? she thought to herself.

            And then another brick of memories hit her.

            The Harold’s jumped up and tried to defend the coven from the Dragon. They tried to kill or at least for it to back off, however, their attempts were futile. Most of them were injured badly. Yet, the father was dead. JC was the only one that escaped that battle without anything serious. JC was the one that she tried to save when she had called upon water for help. But that just ended up with her being kidnapped.

            Taking a look around, she could tell she was the only thing in the room. Tied up to the chair, she checked if anything was broken. Wiggling her fingers and toes, she concluded that nothing was broken.


            Footsteps broke up her thoughts. Someone was moving around upstairs. She didn’t know who it might be, but she had to try to say something. When she tried she speak, she noticed the duct tape over her mouth.

            She knew that this was planned by her mother. Something deep down told her that he mother was part of this. Why? What would her mother want with her?

            Chuckling in her mind, she knew that she had just asked herself a stupid question. But before she could think of anything else, she heard more footsteps upstairs. Voices. Voices rang through the floor. It sounded like there was more than one person up there. It sounded like they were arguing, and it was something that made them both scream and yell at each other. However, it just sounded like one step of footsteps.

            What the hell was going on?

            The stairs screamed in protest and agony as someone went down them. The voices rang through the walls, permeating the air like a rotten corpse. Loud and angry, the voices seemed to rise in volume as the footsteps crept closer and closer.

            Echo didn’t know what to do. Shaking her head, she cleared her mind and breathed in and out. While calming herself, the door that she didn’t even know about opened up and let light pour in, burning her eyes. She hissed at the light and closed her eyes.

            Before opening her eyes, she heard one person walk in tentatively, while someone else spoke, giving orders. She started to lift her eyelids when she felt rough, calloused hands grab her chin. One hand clutched her chin, while the other started to peel back a corner of the tape. She braced herself for what was to come. Feeling the hand grip the corner of the tape, she made sure her eyes were closed tightly. Within seconds she felt a horrible pain that made her gasp as the tape was removed. No matter what type of preparation she did, it still hurt like a bone being broken.

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