i was sat in my room, controller in my hands playing a shooting game.
messy hair that i havent washed in days.
I'm making sure i dont die.
"what a shitty sister" my brother says.
i die in my game.
"Crap!" I say.
"you didnt go to the interview i set up AGAIN?" he says.
"i begged the company for it, you should of really shown up, for my sake.." he says
"did i ask you to go and set it up?" I say
"dad said this is the last time hes helping.." he says
"he told me not to help you look for a job anymore, either." says my brother
I breath deeply.
"i never asked for you help.." i say.
"but you need it!" He insists.
"your a parasite in this house.." he says.
I stay silent.
"fine okay, ill leave then" i say as i
get up and put my controller down, turning my tv off.
"only if we could reboot reality..." he says.
i walk to my door ready to leave.
"you were better when mom was alive" he says.
i stop and turn to him.
i look at a picture of me and my mother.
i nod slightly and walk away.
i walk downstairs and see my father, i walk past him.
"Ryohei." He says.
"i dont need you causing trouble for your brother." He says.
i turn to him and stay silent.
i walk out my house.
i stand there and look around for a second.
i walk up the hill.
i take my phone out.
i message the group chat with my two friends in.
Alexander and Karube
I liked Daikichi/Karube a little bit..
i message "can i go to the bar?"
i carry on walking as i type
"im offically homeless"
little did i know
Karube is making out with some random ass girl that he works with at the bar he works at.
his boss enters.
they stop
"ah its the boss" he says.
"Your a bit early today" he says
"just decided to come in a bit earlier" says his boss.
"so why are u here this early" the girl asks.
"i have some business to take care of" there boss says.
his boss punches Karube making him fall.
Meanwhile while that goes on.
i message "Karube, you there?"
Karube is his last name i prefer to call him it.
His boss is still punching him.
"DONT YOU DARE PUT YOUR HANDS ON SOMEBODY ELSES WOMAN" his boss shouts as he still punches Karube.
"stop it" she says.
"shut up, bitch!" His boss nudges her off.
His boss trys to hit him again but Karube stops him and shoves him down.
"i feel better now" karube says breathing heavily.
as im walking still, i give up trying to reach Karube.
so i ask alexander.
"alexander, you working? Let me stay over" i message.
Alexander is also doing something at the momment, hes taking money out the bank.
"here you go, mom." Alexander says.
"im sorry that you have to do this when your so busy, alex!" his mom replies.
"This money will really help us out" she says.
"lets make this the last time okay?" Says alex.
" what do you mean the last time?" His mom asks.
I message the groupchat once again.
"hey, are you ignoring me?" I message.
"dont you understand? The air in toyko is being polluted everyday" says his mom.
"we need to make it clean again!!" She says.
"everywhere! Everywhere as to b-" she raises her voice.
"ye ye, i get it already!" alex says.
alex takes her arm off him.
"im late.." alex says as he walks away.
"thank you!" He mom yells.
i'm still walking, i give up on them.
"fine." I message.
I go on a game on my phone and play it as i walk.
karube finally messages.
"i was fired from my job" he messages.
the message makes me lose my game.
"Ugh, Karubes timing really sucks!" I say to myself.
i message "seriously? When?"
"Right now. Im jobless now!" Karube messages.
"good job getting fired, im skipping work right now" alexander messages.
"you should work, alex. You are poor." messages Karube.
"i left home" i message.
"good work." Messages alex.
"i need a drink.." i message.
"me too" messages alex.
"lets go then." Karube messages.
"go find a job, karube" i message
"you too, arisu" alex messages.
i laugh.
"okay, lets meet in front of shibuya station" messages karube.
"okay" i message
i step on a werid thing and nearlly slip.
"Ugh" i say.
" i stepped on somebodys vomit" i message.
"good job stepping on vomit" messages alex.
i enter the busy area.
i rest my back on something.
"Im having the worst day" i message.
"me too" alex replies
"same" karube messages.
"i just dont feel like im doing my best since this morning" i message.
"are you talking about your game?" karube messages
"found you, karube" i message.
"hey" karube messages.
"hey" alex messages
I message laughing emojis.
"hey we are right here" karube laughs holding a cig.
we laugh.
" you wanna go get a drink?" Says alex.
"theres not that many bars open" i say.
"guess we are going to a mall again.." says karube.
"ughhh, i would be down going to a desserted island.." i say.
"i would be down with zombies showing up, everybody gets bitten and they all turn into zombies." Alex says.
Alex laughs.
"stop it with the zombie talk will ye?" Says karube.
"if zombies did show up here only Karube would survive" i say.
"you would knock em, out with one punch" i say.
karube laughs.
"i doubt that" karube says.
"you'd be the one to survive, Arisu." karube says.
"me? Why?" I ask.
"cause i know you would out-smart em" says karube.
i stare at him.
"Arisu, free advice, you should stop hanging out with us and go live your life" karube says.
"you should do it" karube says.
"huh?" I say as i stand up straight and smirk a little.
"Whats with him?" I laugh and turn to alex.
we both laugh.
i realise hes serious and lay my back down again.
we all stand there.
I look at the people.
"shit, lets do this" karube says and he stomps his fag on the floor.
"cmon!!" He says lifting me up on his shoulders.
"what are you doing!" I says shocked.
"this is the first day of your independance! Alex take a picture!" Karube says laughing.
"okayyy" alex says smiling taking out his phone.
we all laugh.
"coming through!" karube says.
"step aside" karube says.
"hey, this is seriously dangerous!" I say.
they laugh as they run a little.
"hey, lemme take a picture" alex says laughing.
"hey! What are you doing" i say as karube spins and lets go on my legs.
"turning to me!" Alex says as karube and him laugh.
"stop! NO pictures" i say as im embrassed.
"big smile, arisu look!" Alex says.
They keep telling me to look and twirling embrassing me.
"stop, dammit! Fuck" i say.
"thats a good face" alex says
i calm down and i feel as if in flying
"woahh ahahaha!" I say.
"that is perfect!" Alex says.
we laugh.
"shibuya, your the best!" I shout.
a car beeps at us.
" get off.." karube says.
"put me down" i say embrassed.
"You guys are crazy!" Says a person.
i try to walk away and nearlly get ran over as alex pulls me back and a car beeps.
"Oh, shit" i say.
we are basically stuck on the road.
"watch out!" Says karube.
"hurry up!" I say as we run.
"look fireworks!" Alex says.
"run for your lives!" I say.
we nearlly get hit plenety of times.
"MORON!" Shouts a driver.
a car crashes.
people scream.
"guys wait wait, its the cops!" I say.
" go go go!" Says karube.
"lets get outta here!" I say as we speed up.
We laugh as we run into a building.
"the stairs!" i say as we slow down.
"cops!" Alex says.
we turn around."lets head for the rest room" i say.
"Sorry!" I say as we push through people.
"go go go!" Karube says as we enter a stall.
"lemme lock it" karube says.
"hurry up" i say.
karube locks it.
we look at eachother.
we laugh.
we breath heavily.
alex points to his phone to say to message instead of talk.
we both understand and pull our phones out.
"who farted?" alex messages
Alex smiles.
i begin to smell it we look at alex as he types again.
"Who was it? Own up and sniff your own fart!" alex messages.
alex laughs silently.
"it was you right.." karube whispers.
we make it go his direction.
we hear banging on our door.
alex puts one finger over his mouth telling us to shh.
the lights go out.
we stay silent.
" i dont hear anything.." alex whispers.
i put my ear to the door slowly.
"ill go check it out" i say.
"alright, be careful" karube says.
"Alright" i reply.
i slowly open the door.
i walk slowly.
i turn around as the others follow me.
we walk slowly.
i peep around the corner and see nobody is there, i walk further.
we walk out the rest room.
the train station empty.
we look around, slience.
we look outside.
nobodys there, not a single person.
it was PACKED before.
we slowly enter the outside.
not a whisper.
just rubbish blowing away.
we run further into the street.
no one.
no cars, no nothing.
we run into the road.
"jesus..." i say as i break the silence.
every single building
every house, empty!
its like it was just us here.
or..was it?
karube enters the pub.
"Emi" he says as a tear rolls down his face.
he looks over the counter and freaks out
"EMI?" he yells.
alex enters his workplace and looks at his desk. A sticky note was there.
"wheres that file? Get your act together!" - Takagi.
alex runs to the window, all he sees is nobody.
i run and run, seeing nobody. I look over the bridge..
"what the fuck.." i say.
i run in the road.
"HEY?" i yell.
"HELLO?" i yell again.
i keep running.
"HELLOO?" i shout.
i see karube.
"seen anyone?" i ask
"no." He replys
"seen anybody?" I ask alex.
"theres noone anywhere!" He says.
i take out my phone
"even my phone..doesnt work" i say.
we breath heavily.
night time comes around.
we sit in the road.
"was there some type of evacution today-" alex says.
"no that i would know about" karube says.
"some sort of event? karube says.
"the scale of this is way to big for that" alex says.
"what if its the three of us only alive?" I suggest.
they both look at me dead eyed.
i look around.
"this all doesnt seem so bad to me" i say.
"What?" Karube says
I laugh.
"dont you find this exicting?" I say.
"You outta your mind?" Karube says.
alex laughs.
"your right, i think its kinda cool" alex agrees with me.
i laugh with him.
"Why..?" Karube asks.
"cause i dont have to go to work." alex says.
"are you guys crazy?" Karube says.
"no one to be angry with us, and we can eat and drink all we want, right?" Alex says.
me and alex laugh.
"you'll be a virgin your whole life" karube says.
"huh, dont think i'd like that.." alex says.
it goes silent.
i laugh again and alex laughs with me.
karube looks at us not laughing.
"WOOOHOOO" me and alex shout.
"isnt this great!" I say.
"guys" karube says.
"arisuuu" alex says.
we laugh
"stop joking around, you guys!" Karube says.
"karubee" alex says.
karube puts his arm around me and hurts my neck.
"it hurts!" I say.
"Come on say that its nice" karube says.
we laugh.
the buildboard turns on.
we stop.
we turn.
its a white screen..
"welcome players, the game will commence in a momment"
the board says.
"game?" Karube says.
we stare at it.
"this way to the game arena" the board says.
"over there" i say as something glows red behind some buildings.
came as a 3, left as 1
Mistero / Thrillerwriter - me this book took me a day to make<3 so i hope you all enjoy it ♥︎ cover maker - me :D