Part 51 - Healing

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You woke up the next day with Agatha in your arms, you felt warmth in your arms, you loved that feeling so much. You felt sickly, you had a really bad headache. You closed your eyes to see if that helped but it some how made it worse, even moving made it worse.

Of all days? Why today! I'm supposed to be planning some of the wedding today.. fuck sake..

Agatha turned her head as she woke up, looking at her fiancé, who was looking at the ceiling, fighting the urgh not to cry, " Y/n, are you okay? "

You struggled to move, you body felt heavy, " honestly babe, I don't know... I feel extremely sick. We where supposed to start the wedding plans today and this is how my body reacts?! "

" hey hey, this isn't your fault dear, how about we move those plans too a different day? We can stay in bed all day, maybe try going for a walk later. I'll get you some medicine from Bruce.. I'll make your meals today.. okay? "

Agatha sees a smile on your face, you turn your head slightly, " I love you baby "

" and I love you to my girl "

urgh ' my girl ', the butterflies! That kinda turned me on oh my gosh ...

Agatha gave you a long kiss on the lips after she'd climbed on top of you, she then proceeded to leave the room, leaving you wanting more kisses!

She went into the kitchen and made some pancakes with syrup. Wanda watched Agatha without her knowing.. " Agatha! " she called out and Agatha jumped, " gosh, Wanda! You scared me "

" sorry about that " Wanda exclaims, " So.. wedding plans today? "

" actually, not today. Y/n isn't feeling very well so we are planning them at a later date "

" hmm, that's a shame.. isn't it " Wanda curls her hair around her finger, licking her lips.

Agatha placed the pancakes on the plate, " yeah, it is. But her health is way more important " she then puts the syrup all over the pancakes.

" so, Uhm, Agnes... "

Agatha never heard that nickname in ages! She was shocked when Wanda called her that...

I turned around, and there she was.. Wanda, with her hand holding me, her other on my waist.

I instantly got butterflies, I know y/n didn't mind but she's ill! She's ill in bed, maybe she fell asleep... I could do this for five minutes..

I wanted to stop but I have in.. instantly!

Wanda jumped onto my waist and carried her too the main bathroom, where I sat her on the sink, she made us switch places instantly!

" wands, i shouldn't- " she shushed me by kissing me and holding me against the wall. She separated my legs for more room.

I went to guide my hand down her pants, but she stopped me, " No wanda... I should go! "

Agatha softly pushed Wanda of her self, she ran out the bathroom and grabbed the pancakes, she walked fast into y/n's bedroom. Wanda was confused but decided to just leave it...

I walked into her bedroom, Y/n looked at me " you took ages baby.. I'm so hungry "

" I'm- I'm sorry hun, I just.. "

" babe, babe, it's okay! "

I sat myself up, struggling. Agatha helped me, she's too amazing.. When I finally sat up, she placed the food on my lap. I don't know why I struggled so much today, but she ended up helping me eat!

She cut the pancakes up, and fed them to me. I felt like a child but... it was sweet. As she was feeding me, I did start to feel my strength getting better, the headache was going away, I moved slightly and I wasn't in pain. I had a feeling she was healing me...

I was healing her.. I HAD TO! I couldn't Bare the sight of her being ill...

To be continued

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