Ch.5 (that was close)

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Shadow P.O.V

We go to that green place again and this time I bring Silver here too.

Silver: Can I say I am going to leave.

Sonic: Not until you help us!!!!

And we go to the nightguards room.

Sonic: Bonnie? Wheres the cammaras?

And Bonnie hold Sonic's hand to where the camara is.

Sonic: OK... now Silver put the headphone on...

Silver: Why?

Sonic: Just put it on!!!

And Sonic click the BB poster and Silver suddenly disappear.

Silver P.O.V

Damn that Sonic force me to wear the stupid headphone. Now where am I.

My version can only see things from two holes.

Sonic: Silver? Can you hear me?

Silver: Yes and what the **** did you do to me?!

Sonic: You are BB and now help us to collect the seventh balloons...

Silver: Why?

Sonic: Or I will cut your head off...

Silver: Fine

So I start to collect the balloon around the room and I did it but there still have one balloon missing.

Silver: Mmm... Sonic...

Sonic: Yes?

Silver: I can't found the last balloon but I see exit.

Sonic: Don't go to the exit its a trap,there should be a wall that is fake.

So I start to punch all the walls until I found it.

Silver: Hey Sonic!!! I punch this wall but I feel like I am punching the air.

Sonic: It should be a hiden place,now keep going!!!

So I jump past the wall and I fall down to another place......

Sonic: Now find the last hidden balloon!!!

Silver: Fine!!! But don't need to yell at me!!!

Then I finally found the last balloon and I go and collect it. And a flush I am back to where Sonic is.

Sonic: Good job Silver!!! Now we need to surive the night...

Sonic P.O.V

Although I can't see anything,I still have memory about what should I do...... I can't told Shadow what I am doing cause I don't want him to stop me...

This plan can kill purple guy and safe the others but only me and Bonnie know the 'price'.........

Shadow: Hey Sonic?

Sonic: What?

Shadow: Are you okay because you look like you are worry about something.

Sonic: Well I want to ask you a question Shadow......

Shadow: and what will it be?

Sonic: What will you do if I gone forever...?

Shadow: Why you ask me that?

Sonic: Nothing............ just ask.........

Shadow: I never think about it before.........

Sonic: Its okay now take some rest~

Shadow: Thanks

And he help Rouge about the camara problem,how can I even tell him......he will stop me.

And after that I start to touch the walls to found where the conner is and sit down.

And I suddenly hear Rouge yell at me

Rouge: Sonic?! What is that?!

Sonic: You know I can't see anything right? And how about you say what you see... -_-

Rouge: I see a blue and red thing?!

I can feel something is not right ,I feel someone is went in this room. And the feeling is like a animatronic... but theres only me and Bonnie and who could it be?

Red and blue......... BB!!!!!!

Sonic: Bonnie!!!! Go behind the camaras and took BB out of this room and Rouge keep stare at the camaras!!!!

And I can hear Bonnie walking sound.

Bonnie: BB?!

And I heard some sound about fight and after a while it stop.

Bonnie: That was close,I think we are going to be killed.

Sonic: OK Rouge now you can rest,if she took her eyes off the camara when BB is here we probberly will got killed,so good job guys~

*ding dong ding dong*

Silver: Finally!!! Leave this stupid restaurant~

I smile a little and Bonnie hold me up a little to help me find my way go back to me,Shadow and Shadic place.

To be continued...............

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