15 ━ panic

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LYDIA WAS SITTING on Harley's bed studying. Harley really did not know how it happened but apparently she was a girl with friends now. And friends usually studied together.

Harley had pretty much fully healed from the incident with Matt and Ennis the other day but she wasn't exactly up to her full strength. Black Blade in her body had really taken a toll on her. She got tired a lot quicker and found herself drained if she moved around too much.

After hours on end of staring at her textbook Harley slammed it shut, making Lydia jump. The girl tossed it to the side and fell back on her pillow. "I'm done. I've had enough. I hate pre-calc."

"Come on, Harls," Lydia encouraged. "We don't have a lot left and you're doing really well!"

"Nope." Harley objected as she closed her eyes. "No more. Not now. Not ever. Pre-calc can go to hell."

"How's it going in here?" Her father questioned as the man walked into her bedroom.

"Horrible." Harley grumbled at the same time Lydia had chirped: "Great!"

"She's not much of a listener, is she?" Joe chuckled as he looked at Lydia.

Lydia shook her head. "Nope."

"I gave up. Even with my background in teaching I've never had a more frustrating student." Joe admitted.

"Even with my background with teaching I've never had a more frustrating teacher." Harley shot back nonchalantly.

"You little–"

"You have experience with teaching, Mr. Moon?" Lydia interrupted before the man could finish.

"I do." Joe confirmed. "After I graduated college, I spent a year teaching in South Korea. One of the best years of my life."

"Maybe you should have stayed there then." Harley quipped.

Joe laughed. "I'll be home pretty late tonight, Harls. Around two, so don't wait up. Good luck with her, Lydia."

"Thank you, Mr. Moon." Lydia smiled.

Harley sat up and waved at her dad. "See you later. Be careful!"

"Always am, kid." Joe assured with a nod and a smile. "Sleep early!"

Harley sighed as her father left her room, silently closing the door behind him. With everything going on and all these killings, she had hardly seen him. He was picking up more shifts and trying to help the Sheriff. She knew it killed him knowing everything about the supernatural but wasn't able to say anything.

THE REAPER ━ stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now