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"There's one more thing, Mr. Chamberlain. It's regarding your fiancée's ex-husband, Mr. Ryan Matthews."

I wait, knowing full well what he is about to say.

"Mr. Matthews was attacked in the apartment he shares with your ex-wife." He directs a searching look at me. "But I'm sure you are aware of it, Mr. Chamberlain."

"My sources tell me that he was castrated by Susan, and that she is the prime and only suspect," I say flatly. "Is that what you were going to tell me?"

The chief smiles faintly.

"Not in those exact words, but yes. There is indisputable evidence to indicate that Ms. Wells committed the crime...CCTV footage, and the blood on her clothes, her body, her shoes. But she has remained silent. She has refused to admit to anything, though..." he trails off, looks thoughtful.

I look at him questioningly.

His eyes connect with mine, and he smiles again, a gentle smile this time.

"Though one would think from the trail of evidence that she left behind, that she wanted to be caught. She was found by police, sitting at the nearest train station, in the early hours of the morning, without her purse or her phone. It was almost as if she were waiting to be apprehended."

"How is she?"

"She has shown no remorse over Mr. Matthews, unlike her reaction to your assault, Mr. Chamberlain. She was distraught when she was told the man she had hired had hurt you, instead of Ms. Branson." He sighs. "She must have retained fond feelings for you, Mr. Chamberlain, despite your divorce. Quite contrary to the resentment she harbours against Mr. Matthews."

"All that matters to me is that Lisa is safe, Chief Norton," I say flatly. "Nothing else matters, but her."

"My job is to make it safe for everyone to move ahead. Including you, Mr. Chamberlain. I know that this has been hard for you."

He stops for a moment. He's looking past me, out the window, playing with the gold band around his finger.

"You know," he says, after a moment, "I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to my wife." His eyes are on mine now. "Don't know what I'd do."

The nurse comes, brandishing a needle.

"Detective," she says disapprovingly, "Mr. Chamberlain needs to rest now. You really need to go."

Chief Norton rises to his feet, flashes an amiable smile at the nurse. "Of course."

He walks to the door, and turns. He clears his throat, raises a hand.

"Take care of yourself, Mr. Chamberlain, and leave the rest to me. Bye."

He steps into the hall, draws the door closed behind him.

"Time to sleep, Mr. Chamberlain."

I feel the prick of the needle, and drift into oblivion.


I blink my eyes open. Night has fallen outside. How long did I sleep?

"Hey." I hear a soft, breathy whisper. "You're awake."

I turn my head.

It's Lisa.

My Lisa --- the real Lisa. Not the Lisa conjured up in my dreams. She's here and she's real. My flesh-and blood Lisa. My love. My darling.

"Lisa." Barely a whisper. "I dreamt of you."

"Good dreams?"

"Wild dreams. You jumped me right here, on this bed. You were mauling me. The nurses rushed in and pulled you away."

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