Musical Misery

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A cool Autumn breeze blew through the night in the magical capital city of Equestria, Canterlot. The streets were full of ponies, of all social classes, all dressed in their fanciest evening wear. They all engaged in small banter as they made their way down the road, all heading for one particular place in mind: Phantasma.

Ever since the adventures of the 'Phantom of the Opera', the former opera ghost Erik had constructed a colossal opera house right in the heart of Canterlot. This was his sanctuary where he could showcase his musical mastery to the entire world. He had plans to expand his business even further by constructing a theme park, but that was a venture for another day.

For tonight, every pony from far and wide came to see the amazing musical stylings of one of the greatest singers in all Equestria:

Countess Coloratura...

Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Mane Six all ventured into the grand hall of the Phantasma Opera House, looking around as they admired the grand architecture of the building. When Erik had constructed the opera house, he intended for it to share the many qualities of the Opera Populaire. There were golden statues everywhere, every seat was made of the finest material money could buy, all the walls were decorated in lavish artwork and beautiful trimmings. Needless to say, it was truly a sight to behold for one and all.

"WOW-WEE!" Pinkie exclaimed excitedly.

"Took the words right outta mah mouth there Pinkie," Applejack nodded in awe.

"Is this really the first time we've ever actually been in this opera house?" Fluttershy asked.

"It seems that way Flutters," Rainbow nodded. "Personally, give me a good buck ball game any day of the week."

"Come now hon, we're here to support Rara's performance," Applejack reminded her marefriend.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and nodded her head.

"Alright," She groaned. "But you owe me later tonight, no matter how tired we get."

Before their interaction could possibly go any further, the owner of the opera house himself emerged from his office and headed in their direction. Rarity instantly ran to her husband, embracing him in a loving hug.

"Ah, my most cherished beauty!" Erik smiled happily. "I am so glad you and the others could attend tonight's performance."

"As am I my love," Rarity said, kissing his cheek.

"And how's our 'little one' doing?" Erik asked, placing a hoof on her stomach.

"Quite well," Rarity smiled.

After their last adventure, in which his wife nearly died, Erik decided to do something special for Rarity and they took a second honeymoon to a lovely tropical island. It was a fantastic two weeks, just the two of them spending time together. About a month of two prior to their return, Rarity begun to act strangely, feeling sudden cravings and getting emotional out of the blue. They went to the doctor to confirm their suspicions and sure enough they were informed they were expecting. Being that Rarity was only three moths along, she wasn't really 'showing' all that much. But soon enough, they could not wait to meet their little darling.

"Come everyone, I have our box ready for us," Erik told everybody.

"Box Five?" Rarity asked.

"You know me so well..."

Every pony followed Erik upstairs to their private box, leading them down to none other than Box Five. Every pony took their seats and waited for the show to begin. Soon enough, the lights in the opera house dimmed and everyone applauded as the curtains were pulled aside. The only one on stage was Countess Coloratura, dressed in a very nice dress.

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