Show Business

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A few weeks passed since the first show performed by the P.T. Barnum Circus. Since that day, there had been many more shows with an even higher attendance than the first. It surprised Barnum, Erik, and the Equestrians just how successful the show had actually gotten in such a short amount of time. Now it is true they had their fair share of incidents, with critics' reviews and altercations with those who believe the show to be nothing but a glorified freak-show. However, this did nothing to deter Barnum or Erik from their show.

As a matter of fact, all it had done was encourage them to keep going bigger and better. Before too long, the show had gotten so successful that Barnum had enough money to sell the run-down apartment that his family and their new friends had been staying in and purchase a new piece of property. It was going to be a grand surprise for Charity and the girls.

Now here they were with Barnum leading his wife and daughters, with their eyes covered, toward their new home.

"And right this way," He ushered excitedly.

"Don't you think there's enough blind trust in my life?" Charity giggled.

"Well, isn't that what makes it fun?"

Right behind, Erik, Spike, and the girls followed closely behind as they spoke.

"Ooh, this is so exciting!" Twilight smiled happily. "I am so happy for Mr. Barnum and his family."

"I just can't believe how quickly thinks turned around for Mr. Barnum," Spike replied. "I mean a few weeks ago, he was on the verge of going completely broke. Now he's pleasantly wealthy and moving to a new place."

"That's the power of positivity little dude," Rainbow nodded.

"Now don't go playin' innocent now hun," Applejack scoffed. "Ya'll weren't exactly bein' positive before when Phineas and Erik first came up with this here idea."

"I said I was sorry!"

"Yeah, I heard you," Applejack responded.

"Oh, please don't argue you two," Fluttershy pleaded. "Especially not when things are going so well."

Both Rainbow and A.J. sighed as they looked at one another for a moment before finally speaking.

"Ah'm sorry," Applejack apologized.

"Me too," Rainbow nodded.

Just then, Pinkie popped up in between them and wrapped both hooves around their shoulders.

"There now you see, that's the spirit!" Pinkie smiled happily. "Every pony loves each other, we're having super-duper Pinkie Pie fun, and making money while doing it. And besides, how many carriages have we ridden that were pulled by a zebra before?"

True to her word, when they awoke that morning, Barnum and his family picked them all up in a magnificent carriage being pulled by a zebra. It was certainly wacky to say the least, but then again, they were involved in circus work, so it made sense. Phineas helped Charity out of the carriage while guiding her forward.

"Keep coming," He instructed. "Okay, are you ready?"

Removing the blindfold, Barnum smiled as Charity stared wide eyed at what she saw before her. It was the old run-down mansion they visited when they were children. It had obviously since been reupholstered and remodeled to where it was all shiny and brand new. Charity and even the Equestria group all seemed quite shocked at the sight of the large mansion that stood before them.

"Is it?" Charity gasped.

"It is," Phineas smiled.

"Wow!" Twilight gasped in shock.

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