P.T. Barnum

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A strong wind blew through the air as the crystal portal opened up and the Mane Six, along with Spike, Rara, and Erik stepped through to the other side. The moment they all stepped out, the portal closed up behind them leaving them all in this new world that they had stepped into. Looking about their new surroundings, they all noticed they seemed to be standing inside of a small apartment from the looks of it. It was a relatively small and dark living space with a few candles lit around the entire place. There was a leak in the roof with droplets of water falling down into a cast iron pot on the floor. To say the least, it seemed like a crummy place to call home.

"What a dump!" Rainbow remarked.

"Is this what ya were picturin' in yer head?" Applejack asked her friend.

"Not exactly," Rara responded. "I was picturing a place where I would be able to sing and shine like I once did."

"And this is where it sent us?" Spike asked, disappointed. "A rundown old apartment?"

"I don't think it's all bad," Pinkie smiled. "Just needs a bit of sprucing up here and there. You know maybe some new wallpaper and some carpets. You know I was thinking maybe something more modern contempt, something really sheik and fresh you know?"

Every pony and Spike all looked at Pinkie with quirked eyebrows as the pink party pony just shrugged and giggled happily to herself.

"Do I really sound like that when I speak?" Rarity asked.

"I swear the more Pinkie speaks, the less and less sense comes out," Erik commented.

He looked down toward his wife, who stared wide-eyed at him almost in shock. He was about to question 'why' she was staring in such a manner until he realized how diminutive she was next to him. Looking down at himself, he was surprised to discover he no longer had hooves, but hands. He had once again assumed human form much to everyone's amazement. However, it clearly was not the same form he had when he departed from France.

 However, it clearly was not the same form he had when he departed from France

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"Oh my goodness!" Fluttershy gasped.

"You said it Flutters," Rainbow agreed.

"Erik darling, you look... different," Rarity spoke, in shock.

"Honestly I prefer Ramin Karimloo's version of him better," Pinkie added. "No offense to Gerald Butler fans."

Erik ran a hand over his face where his mask resided as it always did. A horrid thought came to him. If he had retaken a human form, did that meant he was disfigured yet again? He noticed a small hand mirror on a table close by and quickly scrambled over to pick it up. Holding it up to look upon his face, he slowly and shakily reached up to remove his mask, fearing what horrors lied beneath. Removing his mask from his face, he shut his eyes tightly before slowly opening them again. To his great relief there was no deformity at all, all that stared back at him was a handsome face.

"Thank God I heaven," He sighed in relief.

Erik rejoined his wife, along with her friends, as they tried to make heads or tails of this.

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