The Greatest Show

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At the Hallet mansion, Caroline and Helen stood at the window looking out toward New York City in the distance. They missed their father terribly, wishing more than anything that they could be a family again... just like they used to. They cared not for riches or the fancy life, only that they were all together and having fun like in a fairy tale. As the thoughts of never having that started to course through their heads, they both suddenly snapped out of it when they noticed their father climbing up the drive towards the house.

"Caroline! He's here!" Helen shouted joyfully.

They both raced from the room and down the stairs to meet their father just as there was a knock at the front door. Mr. Hallet was the first to answer and a look of disdain spread on his face the moment he saw Phineas standing on the other side. Phineas, meanwhile, had the biggest smile and a look of determination.

"I would like to see my wife," He said.

"She's not here," Mr. Hallet responded.

"She's at the beach!" Caroline yelled from the stairs.

Phineas looked up and smiled toward his beloved daughters who smiled back with enthusiasm. They both descended the stairs rapidly and embraced him in a massive hug which he gave back tenfold.

"Oh how I've missed you my darling daughters," He laughed.

"We missed you too daddy," Helen replied.

"Promise that you'll never leave us again," Caroline added.

Phineas pulled back as he looked into his daughter's eyes.

"I swear on it," He smiled.

"No, you have to 'Pinkie Promise'!" Helen giggled.

"Pinkie Promise?" Barnum asked confused.

"It's something Aunt Pinkie Pie taught us," Caroline nodded. "You have to say, 'Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye'."

Barnum chuckled in amusement, as he watched his daughters demonstrate the secret promise they learned from their new friend. Still he decided he would do whatever it took to make things up with his family. He proceeded to then do the following steps of the Pinkie Promise.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," He smirked.

Caroline and Helen both squealed with glee as they hugged their father once more.

"Okay girls, I'll be back in a moment," Barnum said. "I have to go see your mother really quick."

Barnum pulled away from the girls and started his way out the door toward the beach. Before he could get too far, he was grabbed by Mr. Hallet, who looked him dead in the eye. Phineas waited for the inevitable lecture he no doubt deserved, but it never came. All that happened as Mr. Hallet giving him a nod and one simple request.

"Take care of my daughter," He said.

He held out his hand which really surprised Phineas. Nonetheless, he took it willingly and shook it with a smile.

"I promise you that I would," He replied.

Barnum soon turned heel and ran straight out of the house down the beach. When he got there, he saw Charity standing there on the very spot they had as kids and just stared toward the sunset. Phineas walked down and stood right beside her, causing her to dart her eyes in his direction and then back toward the sunset. Phineas wasn't about to go on a 'huge' tangent like he normally would in the past. Instead, he opted to speak directly from the heart.

"I brought hardship on you and our family," He spoke honestly. "You warned me... and I wouldn't listen. I just... I wanted to be more than I was."

Charity turned her head and looked directly at him right in the eyes.

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