A Genius Idea

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The very next day, Barnum and Erik arose bright and early before anyone else. Together, they made their way to the local bank where they both now sat waiting to speak with the bank director. Erik still felt uncertain about this little endeavor that Barnum concocted due to the unpredictability that it held. Then again, had he listened to those very same doubts back when he was still caged up and advertised as the 'Devil's Child', he'd never have risen to the heights he was at now.

For the moment, Erik was willing to help Barnum with his grand scheme. He only hoped that he would not regret it down the road. There they both sat upon the long bench, along with a bunch of other gentlemen waiting to see the director.

"I hope you're correct about this," Erik sighed.

"Trust me my friend," Barnum assured. "This will work for all of us."

"'The goat prices go up, so the pork bellies go down'..."

Barnum turned toward the bench to someone reading a newspaper. He noticed a pair of legs that barely even folded down over the bench. Whoever this person was, clearly they were quite short. The door to the director's office swung open and a middle-aged woman walked out looking less than pleased.

"Charles, we're leaving!" She spoke agitated. "This bank only wants to lend money to people 'with' money."

No sooner she spoke when the person holding the newspaper put it down to reveal a dwarf of a man who hopped off the bench and followed his mother. While walking, he noticed Phineas looking at him in amazement and gave him in turn a dirty look.

"What are you looking at, flop-doodle?" He insulted.

Barnum merely watched as the two left, with a look of complete awe. Not only that, but so too was Erik, who watched the two walk away. He'd seen his fair share of dwarves back when he worked in the circus. Many of them, like all the others, who beat and humiliated him. And yet there were a select few who were actually kind to him, even making sure he was fed... specifically 'one' dwarf. Both of their thoughts were disrupted the moment the bank director called out to them.

"Mr. Barnum."

Both men stood up and made their way toward the director's office, but not before a big burly man stood before Erik.

"I believe Mr. Koffman called for Mr. Barnum, not you," He spoke sternly.

"Worry not sir," Barnum quickly interjected. "He's my business partner."

The guard studied Erik up and down before stepping off to the side, allowing Erik and Barnum to enter Mr. Koffman's office. Both of them took a seat before Koffman's desk and the bank director looked at them expectantly.

"Now then, what is it that you wish to inquire about today?" He asked them.

"Well sir, my business partner and myself would like to inquire about receiving a ten thousand dollar lone," Barnum informed flat out.

Koffman released a chuckle and wiped a lone tear that threatened to escape from his eye.

"Surely you can't be serious," He said.

"We are gravely serious good monsieur," Erik replied. "We seek to use this money to invest in a place where men, women, and children of all ages may experience the unnatural and bizarre in a way they've never have before."

"This venture you propose is risky and somewhat bizarre," Koffman responded uncertainly.

"It is a good best is what it is, sir," Barnum assured. "People don't want to admit it, but they're fascinated with the exotic and the macabre. It's why we stare at it."

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