This is Me

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The very next day, after hiring Philip Carlyle, everyone gathered at the circus after the events of the night before. Barnum and Erik had since returned to the mansion and told the others what happened. From meeting with Philip, hiring him into the show, and all ending with an encounter with an angry mob of protestors. Then, of course, the bad news only continued the moment they received the local newspaper the next day and got one look at Mr. Bennett's latest review. Now they all sat together, listening along with the rest of the troupe as Phineas read the paper's review.

"'Shame of the city'," Barnum read. "'The protests cement Mr. Barnum's reputation as a purveyor of the offensive and indecent'."

"Offensive and indecent?" Lettie repeated. "Mr. Bennett, I am blushing."

"No, I'm blushing," Helen giggled, off the side.

"First some pony has the never to try and ruin 'my' career with bad reviews, now the same thing is happening here?" Rara spoke up. "Doesn't anyone else find that coincidental?"

"It certainly seems eerily similar in a way," Twilight agreed.

"All it shows is that no matter what world you end up in, there's always those who want to tear down hard-working people," Rainbow spoke.

"It's deplorable and outrageous, that's what it is," Erik spoke up.

"What do you care what Bennett thinks?" Lettie asked. "He's a prig."

"And a snob," Charles finished.

"Yeah, and all the snobs in New York read him," Barnum reminded them. "He does their thinking for them."

"Whatever happened to thriving off controversy?" Charity asked.

"Yeah, well—hey."

It was then Philip Carlyle came walking in to greet everyone. The moment they saw his arrival, they all smiled.

"Ah our young Mr. Carlyle has graced us with his presence," Erik said jokingly. "Do you have any thoughts on this?"

"Philip!" Caroline and Helen yelled, hugging the young man.

"You know what?" He replied. "As a matter of fact, I do."

He procured a folded piece of paper from his pocket, handing it to Phineas who proceeded to unfold and read the fine print.

"'The Master of the Household has it in command of the Queen to invite Mr. Phineas T. Barnum and his theatrical troupe to a reception at Buckingham Palace'," He read.

Hearing what he was saying made everyone stand up in shock and begin conversing amongst each other. The Queen was inviting them all to Buckingham Palace? Surely it had to be some sick joke orchestrated by someone trying to get their hopes up. Why on Earth would the Queen invite them to a royal gathering? And at the palace?

"The Queen Victoria?" Charity asked in shock. "Is this real?"

"I don't know," Rainbow spoke suspiciously. "It sounds like a trick."

"I had to pull a few strings," Philip nodded. "If you want society to accept you, you may as well start... at the very, very top."

"Are we all invited?" Anne asked.

"I'd certainly hope so," Applejack added. "Ah mean we all done pitched in and helped this here idea take-off."

Everyone looked at Philip expectantly to which the young man sighed before looking directly at Anne. Taking a deep breath, his decision was made.

"I guess I'll just have to tell the Queen that either all of us go... or none of us will."

This caused everyone to burst out into joyous chatter at the prospect. They were about to go to England and meet her royal highness, Queen Victoria herself. This sort of thing doesn't happen every day, especially for circus folk.

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