I'll keep you safe

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Warning: Dissociation, talk of abuse, crying, injuries ( I think, I can't remember )

Shota Aizawa also known as Eraser Head, was going on his nightly patrol. It was pretty boring as usual. Aizawa kept walking, looking around for villains. He was walking past an alleyway when he heard soft crying. Aizawa listened for a second and when he confirmed it was in fact crying he crept into the alleyway.

The crying was coming from beside a dumpster, the sound was absolutely heartbreaking. As he neared the side of the dumpster he could make out a body, a small body. Not as small as a five year old but maybe eleven or twelve. " Hey kid are you alright?" Aizawa called softly. The child looked up quickly, his whole body trembling. " P-please, please d-dont hurt me." The child begged, curling in on himself. " Hey, hey it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise." The child stared at Aizawa for a long time, then looked down and said, " Everyone hurts people, nobody hurts nobody."

Damn, Aizawa thought, what the hell made this child think that?

" Kid, I promise I'm not gonna hurt you, I wanna help." The child stared at him for a while, before crawling away from the dumpster and to Aizawa. It was dark so Aizawa couldn't make out much, but he noticed the child's hair looked two toned. " Do you feel comfortable staying with me for a while?" The child nodded, " Can you walk or do I need to carry you?" Aizawa asked as he was about to stand up. The child didn't say anything for a while. Aizawa was about to repeat the question when the child said, " I can walk."

" Are you sure?"

The child nodded again, so Aizawa stood and waited for the child to follow suit. He did, just very slowly, wincing when he put pressure on his right leg. " Are you sure you can walk?" Aizawa asked, and the child only nodded trying to suppress a cry of pain as he began to walk. Aizawa noticed the child's discomfort but didn't say anything. Maybe the kid just didn't like to be carried. Aizawa held the kids hand and they started walking. Every once in a while Aizawa would look back to see the kid look like he was on the verge of tears, but he decided not to say anything. But when he looked back again, and the child was actually crying he stopped walking. He knelt down to the kids level and spoke softly to him. " Kid, I know you may not like being carried, but if your leg is hurting to the point where you're crying you should have said something."

The kid looked down in shame wiping tears from his eyes. " I can carry you if you feel comfortable, my house is pretty far away from here."

The child nodded shyly, " Just- just please don't drop me." He whispered. " Of course not." Aizawa said, and picked up the child carefully. As if he were a piece of origami, delicate and breakable. As soon as the child was in his arms, the kid gripped onto his hero costume, and buried his face in it.

When they got to Aizawa's apartment, he placed the boy down on his couch. " I'll be right back, I'm gonna run some bath water." The child nodded sleepily. Now that Aizawa could see the boy better, it was clear that he was hurt badly. Bruises littered the child's body from head to toe, a big nasty scar covered a majority of the left side of his face. The boy was dressed in a T-Shirt that was clearly too big for him. Aizawa went to the bathroom and started running the warm water.

After the bath tub was filled, Aizawa went back to the child who looked like he was about to fall asleep. " Your bath water is ready, I'm gonna pick you up okay?"

The kid nodded hesitantly. Aizawa picked him up carefully, and took him to the bathroom.

Aizawa wasn't sure if the kid could bathe by himself, he didn't want to assume he could, but he also didn't want to be a creep by assuming he couldn't.

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