Sleeping in class

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WARNING: Talk of abuse, mentions of sexual assault, crying and nightmares.

Aizawa knew something was up as soon as Todoroki came to class late. He never came to class late. He was always at least thirty minutes early. But Aizawa didn't say anything, instead he let the boy slowly walk over to his seat seemingly ignoring his classmates as they stared at him in awe. Aizawa couldn't really get a good look at him when he came in, his head was cast downwards probably from embarrassment from being late. But Aizawa could just barely make out bags under the boy's eyes.

He probably stayed up late then slept in. Aizawa inwardly rolled his eyes. And he thought Todoroki would be less careless. Well if Todoroki thought he would be able to nap in his class he was wrong.

Aizawa knew that to other teachers that would be harsh, but it was the only way to make the child learn to be less careless.

In the middle of his lecture he saw Todoroki nodding off, his head sunk to his desk, using his arms as a cushion. Aizawa stopped talking and walked over to his student, rolling his eyes. " Todoroki wake up, this is no time for a nap." Aizawa said, lightly nudging Todoroki. But the boy didn't wake up, he just laid there mumbling something incoherent. Aizawa growled, growing more annoyed with Todoroki by the minute. He nudged him harder this time, " Todoroki! Shoto Todoroki wake up!"

Aizawa sighed when Todoroki didn't budge. He was about to nudge him again when he heard Todoroki speak. " Please f-father, I-I can be better. I can be so m-much better, just please..." The rest of his words turned into mumbling Aizawa couldn't hear, but after what he had just heard he grew concerned. He knew all his students were staring at him and Todoroki but he ignored them, set on listening to more of what Todoroki was saying. " Please don't hurt mom..." Todoroki whimpered curling in on himself. Aizawa's eyes grew wide. What happened to this kid?

" Please, please, I'll be better just-just l-leave me alone..." Todoroki's pleas grew more desperate, as the minutes passed on, the class listened in silence, all disturbed by what they were hearing. Aizawa decided to wake him, feeling absolutely horribly for letting the boy continue to sleep through his nightmare. He nudged todoroki much softer this time, his voice holding a rare gentleness few have heard from him. Todoroki jumped as soon as Aizawa's hand made contact with his shoulder, eyes wide and fearful, bicolored hair sticking to his pale face. " W-wha...?" Was all Todoroki said, as he stared at the dumbfounded class, who were all staring at him with wide eyes. " Are-are you okay, Todoroki?" Midoriya asked, worried etched into his features. Todoroki's response was delayed as if he was having a hard time processing Midoriya's words. " ...I'm f-fine, M-midoriya." Todoroki finally said. " I- what happened?" Todoroki asked, he had no recollection of his dream nor that he had fallen asleep in class. " You fell asleep in class and when Aizawa-sensei came to wake you up... I think you were having a nightmare, you started saying some really weird stuff." Sato said, also looking concerned. "Everyone, I'll be taking Todoroki to the teachers lounge, while I'm gone you guys can get on your phones, talk, or whatever you teenagers do these days. Just don't act crazy."

There was a chorus of 'Yes sensei' as Aizawa gently grabbed Todoroki's arm missing the minuscule of a flinch, leading him to the teachers lounge.

When they got there, Aizawa led Todoroki to a far corner where they would be able to talk without someone easily listening in. They sat down. I

It was quiet. Aizawa was gathering his thoughts, unsure of what to say to the heterochromatic (hope I used that right) kid in front of him. Aizawa noticed Todoroki fiddling and forced himself to get his thoughts together.

" I-"

" I'm sorry sensei." Todoroki said suddenly, interrupting Aizawa. " For what?" Aizawa asked, genuinely curious. What was Todoroki sorry for?

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