Chapter 7

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Ant's P.O.V

I drove to Lock's house and sat in the drive way patiently waiting for him to come out. I got my phone and texted Chyna, just to check and see if she needed anything.

Me: You good baby? You need anything? You straight?

I waited for a couple minutes but still got no reply. I guess she went back to sleep. Lock finally comes outside dressed in all black attire. He got in the car and I just sat there.

"What's the move Ant?"

I just sat there staring at the steering wheel trying to put a plan together on what i'ma do with this nigga.
"Man ion know what i'ma do with Chyna uncle." I stated honestly.

"Who is her uncle and why we out to get him?"

I sighed and ran the whole thing down to him and saw his face light up with anger.

"That's some fucked up shit bruh. Where the fuck this nigga at? cause he finna get got right now."

In my head I chuckled at his seriousness. This my nigga foreal mane. Nigga never changed up and he always down to ride.

"Ion know what we gone do, but we bout to figure it out right now."

I put on my seat belt before starting the car. (Yes I put on my seat belt nigga. G's gotta stay safe too.) I was about to back out the driveway but then I received a text from Chy.

Chy 😻👅💦: Yes doctor Stephen, I'm fine. Besides the bruising and stuff, I'm alright.

I laughed at her smart remark and put my car in reverse, but then my phone vibrated again.

Chy 😻👅💦: and bring me something to eat cause I'm super hungry! me & my stomach having a full blown conversation in this damn room.

I chuckled and shook my head as I backed out of the driveway. What am I gonna do with this girl?

Chyna's P.O.V

I shot Ant another text and then locked my phone and threw it on the bed. I tried to get up slowly but that plan failed. As soon as I started to raise myself up to sit up straight in the bed, I felt an immediate rush of pain all over my body and quickly laid back down.

"C'mon Chyna, get up." I said to myself. I really had to go to the bathroom and I'll be damn if I piss all over this boy bed. After multiple trials, I finally got up out the bed and onto my feet. I slowly made my way to the nearest bathroom. Thank God this nigga got a bathroom in his room! Before I made it to the door, I started to feel dizzy as fuck and my stomach started to turn. It felt like I had to throw up so I tried to put a lil pep in my step and hurry to the toilet. There was this burning sensation in my stomach and I felt the hot liquid about to come out. A few inches away from the toilet, I couldn't hold it in anymore as I threw my insides out. Instead of it being food, it was dark red blood all over the floor. I tried to get up to get a towel to clean the mess up, but immediately fell back down as my eyes started to black out and my body shut down.

Ant's P.O.V

Fuck a meeting we about to have a sit down!
Wrap the phone up in plastic and stick it in the fridge.
They know who we are but they don't know what we did.

I nod my head as Kevin Gates-Sit Down blast through my speakers. It's 5:05 in the morning and I'm still cruising with Lock tryna devise a plan. With nothing in mind so far, I dropped Lock off and told him we'll discuss it later. I gotta get back home to Chy.

I finally got back to the crib at 5:37 and was tired as fuck. I unlocked the door and quickly ran upstairs to check on my baby.

"Chy!" I called out, but got no response in return. I walked into the room and didn't see her in the bed.

"Chy baby where you at?"

I see the bathroom light on and feet sticking out the door. I rushed over to the bathroom to see Chyna half dead looking on a floor covered with blood. My pressure started to rise and I started to panic. I shook her roughly crying for her to wake up.

"Baby please wake up! Don't leave me man! You just came into my life, you're not leaving me this soon man!"

Memories of my mama's cold bloody body instantly replayed in my head. Now the only girl who I care for and think I'm falling for is laying in that same position.

"Fuck that, you not dying on me Chy."

I picked her up bridal style and damn near ran to the car. I gently placed her in the back seat and ran to the driver's side. I started the car and rushed to the nearest hospital.

"Traffic would decide to be a bitch tonight." I said to myself.

About a good 20 minutes later I finally got to the hospital. I got Chyna from the back seat and rushed into the emergency wing.

"I NEED A MOTHERFUCKING DOCTOR!" I yelled as loud as I could. My baby looked like her life was draining away by the minute. Three doctors and two nurses came rushing my way with a wheelchair and they took Chyna away from me. They immediately rushed her to ICU and I stood there about to follow them, but was quickly held back.

"I'm sorry sir. You're not allowed in there."

A short, thick nurse told me. She was about my color only a darker shade of brown and she had coily natural hair. I looked at her with respect and sat down in one of the lobby chairs.

"Sir can you tell me what happened?" She asked with the softest voice. I sighed and began to tell her what I saw when I got home.

She nodded her head and listened intensely as I described to her what I saw, and as I looked at her I saw her attitude slightly change towards me.

"Ma'am I hope you don't think that I'm the one who caused those bruises on her! I just met this girl not longer than 2 weeks ago and I feel like I'm already in love with her. I wouldn't do no type of shit to hurt this girl, that's my fucking baby man! You got me fucked up if you even think I would."

I told the nurse with all seriousness. That shit really made me mad. Ion play bout Chy man. I watched as her face grew soft and her eyebrows unfurled and she nodded her head.

"Well sir, it was good to know that. But we will update you on everything in the morning. You won't be able to see her until she's out of ICU which will probably be until tomorrow evening." the nurse said monotonously.

"Tomorrow evening?! Is you out yo fucking mind ma'am? That's too long!"

I damn near yelled at her. As soon as she was about to say something back, a bald headed ass white doctor came from the back and interrupted our conversation. Nigga look like Dr. Phil's grandson.

"Nurse we need you immediately in ICU." He roughly stated then quickly left to the back.

"Sir please. Go home, get some rest, and come back tomorrow. Please and thank you. I have to go now."

She said and then disappeared in the back. Defeated, I walked back to my car and began to drive home. I left the radio off and enjoyed the silence and was caught all in my thoughts.

I didn't even ask her to be mine yet.

If I lose Chyna, ion know what I'll do mane.

I kept saying to myself over and over again, but my thoughts were interrupted as bullets flew through my windshield and I swerved off the road.

* * * * * * * * *

Hey my lovely readers! 😊 I know y'all are mad at me, trust me I know and I'm sorry for such a long wait but I finally updated! & I know this chapter is short but I did it on purpose. 😏 more drama to come so be ready. vote & comment please & thank you. love you guys. 😘❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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