Chapter 3

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Ant's P.O.V

Who the fuck would do some shit like this to my nigga mane ?! Who he had beef with ? Why would somebody wanna kill him ? So many questions going through my head right now I can't even think straight. All I wanna do is go home. As I walk through the hallway to get to my car, I see Chyna and she starts to smile at me. I try not to notice her, but she pulls me aside and asks me what's wrong and why I look the way i do. I just want to burst into tears. "Nothing Chyna, I gotta go." She tries to grab my arm , but I slip away from her grasps. I really don't wanna load my problems into her life. I just wanna be alone.

When I get outside to my car, I see the same nigga that bumped into the hall with me yesterday sitting inside the same dumpster that we found CJ's body in this morning. "Nigga what the fuck you doing?!" He didn't answer me. "I said what the fuck you doing?!!" Still no reply. I just shake it off and go to my car. I ain't got time for this shit right now. I start my car and zoom out the parking lot as quick as I could. I don't wanna look at this school nomore.

I pull up in the driveway of my house and as soon I unlock the door , Grams start trippen. "Stephen Anthony Wilkins!" "Ma'am?" "Why the hell you ain't answer your phone when I called you? I called you four times, you ole foolish boy!" See what I deal with? She always talking shit. "I'm sorry grandma, my phone must've been on silent." I check my pocket to get my phone, but it wasn't there. I check the other three pockets on my cargo shorts, but it wasn't in any of them either. Where in the fuck is my phone? I go to my car and searched the entire thing but still no phone. Traced my steps from the school parking lot to my car to my driveway and to my house. I still ain't find my phone. I'ma just call it from my grandma's phone. Hopefully somebody I know and trust got it...

Chyna's P.O.V

Ant been on my mind all day. I wonder what was wrong with him. It had to be something serious for him to leave his phone...


Ant's phone starts to ring and it's his grandmother calling. I don't know what the hell to do... "Hello?" I decide to answer the phone. "Who is this?" "This is Chyna", I respond. He starts to laugh and I start to smile. He has the most sexiest laugh... "Chyna you had me hella scared, I didn't know what happened to my phone. What you doing with it anyway?" I was lost for words. "Hello?" he says calmy. "Yeah, I'm sorry. when I grabbed your arm in the hallway your hand came out and your phone fell out and I picked it up for you. I tried hollering at you saying you dropped it but you wouldn't turn around." It got quiet on his side of the line and I didn't hear anything. "I can bring it to your house or meet you somewhere if you want", I said trying to get a response. "Meet me at Mama Sal's in fifteen minutes, I'll be there." And then he hung up. My heart began to race and I smiled as hard as I could. This boy got me gone..

I get out of the bed and put on a plain white Nike t-shirt, some sweatpants and my Uggs. I grab my brush and brush my hair into a messy bun, grab my car keys and start to head out the door.

Ant's P.O.V

A feel of relief washed over me when I found out that Chyna had my phone. I damn sure wasn't about to buy a new one. I grab my car keys and head out the door. "Grandma I'll be back in an hour." and I closed the door. As soon as I got in the driveway, I started bumpin' Kevin Gates "Get Up On My Level" and blasted my speakers volume up to 32. Shit raw as fuck.

I'm hype as shit, buckin' and jumpin' all in my seat tryna shake the feelings and sight of CJ body away. I'm so distracted in my thoughts and my music, I didn't notice the stop sign I ran. I look in my rear view mirror and I see red and blue flashing lights. I couldn't even hear his siren how loud my music was blastin.

Fuck bruh. I'm not trynna get a ticket.

I pull over to the side of the road and turn my music all the way down. When the officer came to my window, he smiled and flashed his light in my face. "Do you know why I pulled you over young man?" I nod my head yes. "Can I ask you a question?" I nod my head yes. "Why in the hell were you going 55 on a 25 mph road? You passed up a stop sign, & you were disturbing the peace with your music!" "I'm sorry officer, I wasn't paying attention." "Mhm," the officer said pulling out his ticket book. He wrote me three tickets: one for passing up a stop sign, another one for going 30 miles above speed limit and the last one for playing loud music. "The ticket tells you where you need to pay it and when you have to pay it. Have a nice night. Try not to pass up anymore stop signs." He says with a smile and left. I just sat there looking at these tickets. $698 for this shit? I look at the time and its 6:00. Damn. Chyna probably been sitting at Mama Sal's for ten minutes now. I whip off the side of the road and start speeding again. Hope no other cop cars around.

Chyna's P.O.V

I pull up to Mama Sal's and I don't see Ant. So I wait a lil while for him to get there. Where this nigga at? I look around and I still don't see his car. I get out and go wait for him inside. Them crackheads starting to come out.

I sit down at a window seat so I can see when Ant got here. I'm sitting down minding my business when some guy just comes sit in front of me. I look down and pretend not to notice him. "So you just gone look down and pretend not to notice a nigga huh? That's real cold shawty." This nigga sound lame. Ion even know what he look like but he still using shawty. Ugh. l look up and see who it was and it was Deshawn from fifth hour. "Why is such a beautiful girl sitting here all alone?" He asks me with a smile. "Actually this beautiful girl is waiting on someone and he will be here any minute. So if you move I'll appreciate it." His smile dropped and he stared at me with a blank face. Next thing I know, he's standing on side of me. "You a lil too close now Deshawn. Move." He just stands there. "Deshawn I'm not playing. Seriously, move." He just stands there staring down at me. I starts to freak out. I stand up in front of him. "Deshawn get out of the wa-" he grabs my arm, twists me around and puts a gun to my head. "Everybody get down now!! I need you to give me all the money in the cash registers or this bitch gets shot! DO IT!!" People start to scream and I start to cry. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! I've never been so scared in my life. "Deshawn, please put the gun down and let me go! Please!!" "Shut the fuck up Chyna! You gone help me get this money!" I start to cry even harder. "No Deshawn, I won't do it! Just please let me go!"


That was the last thing i heard before I fell to the ground.


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