CHAPTER ONE, looking for family

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Searching for a woman that may or may want you in her life anymore isn't exactly what Devyn would prefer to do on a cold day or really any day. She already gave up hope on finding Ashlyn, the young woman who became like a sister figure to her over the years Ashlyn babysat her. That's why after she and her best friend, Billy Batson, first tried looking for Ashlyn and his mom, she just gave up after their many failed attempts. Billy was dead set on finding his mother and she didn't blame him. She wished her parents were still alive, but they aren't and now she doesn't have the last parental guardian in her life. All she has is Billy and that's okay because he means the world to her.

They're the best of friends who are always there for each other so that's why she was currently standing beside the brunette-haired boy in front of a gas station in the middle of winter. The plan was to get a cop there, Devyn would distract them while Billy would find the information they needed. So far, each Rachel Batson they found were not the right one and Devyn was surprised Billy hasn't gave up yet. Billy had tried to convince Devyn Ashlyn might still be out there when she started to lose hope, but it didn't work since she had already assumed Ashlyn didn't want her anymore. And Billy hated she thought that because why would anyone not want someone as great as her? He doesn't have an answer to that question.

Devyn pulled the blue beanie she wore over her ears more for more warmth, wishing that it wasn't so cold. It was so cold you could see anyone's breath when they breathed. She knew the police were on their way when she heard sirens. She and Billy currently stood outside of Bishop's Pawn Shop, waiting for the cops to arrive. She glanced at Billy, who looked at her with a grin, and she couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her lips at his enthusiasm, and she smiled at him. They both looked at the police car when it pulled up and parked. Two cops got out, a male and female, and they walked over to the two teens with concerned expressions.

Billy pretends to be excited they're here. "Holy Moly!" He glances at Devyn with a (fake) grin on his lips. "Devyn, it's the boys in blue!"

Devyn nods. "We're so glad you're here." She pretends to look scared, bringing her gaze to the ground and shakes her head. "It was really scary, and it-it just happened out of nowhere."

"Don't worry, hon, you're okay now." The female cop reassured her in a soft tone. The blonde-haired girl looked up at her, nodding as she smiled a bit, pretending to be relieved the cops are there.

"We called as soon as we saw." Billy explains, pointing at the shop behind him and Devyn. "They're in there."

"You two stay here." The male cop ordered, walking into the pawn shop with the female cop following him. Billy and Devyn turned around to watch the cops walk into the gas station.

"It's the police." The male cop announced.

"We saw him hide in the back." Billy informed the two cops, pointing at the closed back door.

The two cops glance at him before they look at the closed back door and walks toward that way. They draw their guns out. "It's the police, we're coming in!" The female cop shouted.

"Open the door, it's the police!" The male cop demanded after there was no response. The female cop opened the door, glancing at the male cop with confusion when they both saw no one was in there.

"There's nobody here." The female cop noticed.

"Wait a minute..." The male cop's voice trailed off as he walked into the closet with the female cop.

"It's just a closet." The female cop finished his sentence, her voice laced with confusion.

Devyn crosses her arms, her lips forming into a grin. "You really bought that, huh?" Billy questioned, looking at the cops with a smirk.

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