CHAPTER TWO, new foster home

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"A foster home in Pittsburgh reported you kids missing two weeks ago." E.B. Glover told the two teens sitting in her office.

Billy and Devyn share a panic look with each other before looking back at her. "You're sending us back?" They asked unison and you could tell the worry and panic laced in their voices.

Ms. Glover shakes her head. "No. They don't want you two."

Billy lets out a laugh and Devyn chuckle. "Harsh." Billy commented and Devyn nodded in agreement.

"You both can laugh, but you guys have run from foster homes in six counties, from good people, who want you both, all in pursuit of someone who arguably does not." Ms. Glover reminded them.

That was true. Billy and Devyn felt like they just didn't fit in with any of the foster homes they were put in. They always felt like they weren't a part of the family even if they were told they were. They knew they were outcasts. They both wanted a real family, but they knew would never happen. As long as Billy and Devyn had each other, they knew that they can make it. It has always been the two of them. They grew up together and basically been friends since they were babies. It helped that their parents knew each other and were friends who made them hang out together. But it ended up that we actually got along well and became best friends, never leaving each other sides so it all worked out in the end. Besides the fact that they both lost their moms.

Ms. Glover takes her glasses off, looking at the two teens with a stern expression. "It's time someone looked at you both in the eye and told it to you straight."

Devyn exchange a look with Billy before they both look back at Ms. Glover. "We don't need parents to play make belief with." Billy said.

"We have moms that could be out there looking for us." Devyn adds. "We're not gonna give up looking for them."

Ms. Glover nods and picks up Billy's small blue notebook. "Yes you do," She responds to Devyn and then looks at the two teens. "You two are some detectives."

"But what surprised me is that neither of you looked for Devyn's mother. Why is that?" Ms. Glover looked over at Devyn with raised eyebrows and Billy looked at Devyn curiously as well, wondering the same thing.

Devyn stares at the ground, leaning back in her seat. She currently wished the ground would open up and swallow her. She hated being in the spot light. Even though there were only two other people in the room and one of them is her best friend, she hated when all eyes were on her. It made her nervous and anxious.

Devyn swallows nervously. "Um, I just assumed that if my mother hasn't bothered to come find me that must mean she's dead." She admits in a quiet tone, her eyes brimming with tears. "I didn't want to believe it, but it started to make sense after I started to make myself believe it and started focusing on finding Billy's mother."

Billy frowns, eyebrows knitted together with concern. "That's the reason why we never looked for your mother? You don't know she could be dead. She could still be looking for you." Devyn stayed silent, continuing to stare at the floor with sad eyes. Billy sighed, looking at her with a guilty expression. He felt awful for not doing really anything to help her find her mother.

Ms. Glover takes this silence as a signal for her to continue talking and looks through the notebook. "Seventy-three Batsons, between ages twenty-eight to forty and you crossed out every single one of them."

"She's still out there." Billy insists, looking back at Ms. Glover with a determined expression. "I know it."

Ms. Glover gets up and sits on the edge of her desk, looking at the two teens with a soft expression. "There's a couple outside, Mr. Batson, Ms. Roberts. They run a group home." The two teens looked over to the side to look through the glass window at the couple she was talking about. A brown-haired woman stood next to a long-haired heavier set man with a beard in the hallway.

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