CHAPTER NINE, the supervillain sivana

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"Wait, Devyn!" Ashlyn called out to Devyn as she followed her to the front door. Devyn had rushed to the front door quickly after she got the call from Billy. "Where are you going?

"I-I'm sorry. I gotta go. My family is in trouble." Devyn responded. She was glad she was still in her sidekick form because now she was able to super speed back to the house. She arrived at the house a minute before Billy did. She used the hood on her cape to block her face from the snow that went everywhere when Billy landed on the ground. She then put her hood down, glancing at the super villain inside the house with a glare. 

"Kick his a**, guys!" Pedro called out to them. 

"Yes, guys, try it by all means." The super villain, Sivana, taunted, aiming his hand at the foster kids. A grey mist appeared and that grey mist formed a demon creature.

"Let them go," Billy demands. "And we'll come inside."

"No, first you both come inside then maybe I'll let them go." Sivana spoke. The demon creature roared at the foster kids, causing them to lean back on the couch with fear.

Devyn and Billy exchange a look, anger etched onto both their faces. They both nodded and looked back at the house, walking to the house side by side. Sivana made the demon creature disappear when Devyn and Billy reached the door.

"Good kids." Sivana comments when they both walked inside the house. He walks over to them both, raising his eyebrows. "'Cause that's all you are, isn't it? How old are you both?"

"Basically fifteen." Billy responded.

Sivana hums in response. "When I was a child, my old man told me I wasn't good enough. And yet here you are. A coward." He looks at Billy. "You run from me and the wizard chooses you?" He glances at Devyn and Billy stands in front of her, blocking Sivana's view from Devyn as he glares at Sivana. "And who's this? You're faithful sidekick?" He laughs. He shakes his head, looking at Billy. "You are not a hero," He then glances at Devyn. "And you are not a sidekick." He glances between them. "But I'm going to give you both an opportunity to be one. Give me the power of the champion and the sidekick." 

"No," Freddy immediately said worriedly. "Don't do it, guys!"

Sivana aims his hand at the wall and with his power he formed a door. It opens, revealing the cave where Devyn and Billy got their power. "Give me the power and I'll let them go."

Mary quickly stands up, eyes wide with worry when Darla suddenly got up and ran over to Devyn and Billy. "Darla! No!" 

Darla hugs onto Billy, looking up at him and then at Devyn with sad eyes. "Don't go, guys!" Devyn looked at her with sympathy as  Mary pulled a crying Darla away from Billy. 

"I'm sorry, Darla." Devyn apologized.

"We have to go." Billy said, smiling slightly at Darla. "It's what a good brother would do, right?" He looked over at Devyn with concern, silently asking if she was ready. She smiled nervously, holding onto his hand and squeezed it in response. He smiled a bit at her and squeezed her hand back before he let go and made sure she walked towards the door first. He didn't want her to be anywhere near Sivana if he could help it.

"Guys." Freddy said with tears in his eyes. All the foster kids watched sadly as Billy and Devyn left the house.


Billy screams when he was thrown against the wall and coughed as he landed on the floor. "Billy!" Devyn said worriedly and she stood in front of Sivana with a glare in her eyes. She aimed her hands at Sivana, using her electricity manipulation. But Sivana picked up the staff on the ground, blocking the hit and the electricity bounced off the staff, going back to her. She flew backwards, landing a few feet away from Billy as she groaned in pain. 

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