Chapter 3

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Credits to all the owners of the pictures, gifs and videos found on this chapter. 

"I-I was, just wanted to return Zero's toy." I spoke in broken English and showed him the toy. Baekhyun slowly nodded his head. I then heard a voice that I have not heard in person in a long time.

"Is the pizza there?" Taeyeon excitedly asked. Once she realized that it was me and not the delivery guy, her smile slowly disappeared.

"Y/N came to return one of Zero's toys." Baekhyun pointed out. Taeyeon nodded her head. There was a sense of awkwardness in the room.

"Y/N-ah. Come inside and let's eat." Baekhyun offered. I was about to reject him but he pulled my hand and dragged me inside.

"I will just help Taeyeon with the food, make yourself comfortable." Baekhyun told me. I nodded my head and weakly smiled. I looked around the apartment and nothing changed. It's still the same.

I went ahead and sat on the couch when I heard laughter coming from the kitchen. I looked at both of them, smiling happily and content with each other's presence and I felt my heart break into pieces.

I locked eyes with them. I smiled weakly at both of them. Taeyeon knows Y/N long enough that he's hurting right now. She didn't even want to invite Y/N as she knows that this will happen.

I thought I'm over her and I realized that I'm still not. I'm a long way to go but she has already moved on. My head tells me to let it go but my heart says otherwise. I have to get out of this situation.

Think, Y/N! Make up an excuse!

My phone then made a sound. It's Seoho hyung. He's checking up on me. As my phone was not on silent mode, both of them heard it.

I looked at them. "I'm sorry. I have to go, something came up." I lied. Baekhyun weakly smiled and nodded his head. I greeted them before leaving the apartment.

As I was about to enter my car, I stopped when I heard my name called. I knew who it was. I turned my back to face the person.

"There were no urgent matters, was there?" Taeyeon asked. I quickly shook my head and answered, "I have to go to the company." Taeyeon sighed and shook her head.

"You're really going to lie? I know you in the palm of my hands." Taeyeon stated. I shook my head in disbelief and chuckled to myself. "If you really know me, you would have known that I needed you."

Taeyeon wanted to check up on Y/N many times but deep down she knew that it would only hurt him even more. She was tongue tied.

"Yeah. That's what I expect." I bluntly said. "So you and Baekhyun hyung huh?" I asked, there was a bitter tone in my voice. "We're taking it slow." Taeyeon answered.

I needed to go or else I won't be able to control myself. I might say words that I don't mean to say to her. It took all of my willpower to enter my car and drive away.

I stopped driving after a few kilometers and stopped at a parking spot. I repeatedly hit the steering wheel. For the past few months, nothing went according to plan. It was drawback after drawback and I finally had enough.

After my mental breakdown, I went to the place that I always go to when things get tough.

The Cafe.

I immediately regretted hitting the steering wheel multiple times as now my hand hurts. I entered the cafe and there's not many customers, which is expected as it's pretty late.

I took a seat on one of the vacant seats and closed my eyes. I wasn't planning to buy any drinks, I just wanted to relax. When all of a sudden, someone tapped my shoulder.

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