Chapter 5

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First, I have to clear the confusion regarding Y/N and Nayeon's relationship. I decided for them to be a couple but It happened off scene. They also broke up offscene.

Secondly, I hope you like this chapter!

By the time Min-si was finished, she was panting and trying her best to retrieve her breathing. She was excellent. She did enough of out of this world moves but not overdone it. But I'm not sure if I should give her the spot.

I'm not sure if she's a great dancer or because of the fact that I know her and it affected my judgment of her performance. I looked at the choreographer and whispered, "Seojun Hyung, I know her." He looked at me to see if I was kidding. I shook my head.

"Can you decide this time? I'm afraid I won't be objective." I added. He nodded his head in agreement.

Min-si whose legs were shaking as she awaited the decision. It's her first time seeing Y/N in his work self and she can't deny that she finds him intimidating to say the least. A complete opposite of the person she has been serving coffee at.

Min-si admires him more even now as she finds Y/N the person who's able to separate personal and work relationships. Min-si was brought back to reality when she heard her name being called.

"Min-si." She locked eyes with Y/N and Seojun. "Congratulations! We will message you the details of the training schedule." Seojun announced.

Min-si tried her best to remain composed and relaxed but deep down she wanted to scream and jump uncontrollably which is what she did after she left the room.

"So you have your ten dancers, congrats!" Seojun exclaimed and patted Y/N's back. Y/N heaved a sigh of relief and happily smiled. "Are you nervous?" Seojun asked Y/N.

I hummed and nodded my head. "I'm nervous and excited at the same time. It's my first time managing and preparing for a performance, alone." I stated. "Back then I always had my members taking charge of preparation." I added.

"I have been relying on my members and I only realized that when they are not here by my side. I think I will be able to see my shortcomings as an artist and as a person by the time this solo debut of mine is finished." I concluded.

Seojun nodded his head. "I have to go. I still have some things to do." I informed Seojun. He nodded his head and said farewell to Y/N. He looked at Y/N worriedly as Y/N left the room. Seojun is worried for Y/N to say the least.

He doesn't think that he will be able to control the dancers as he thinks that Y/N lacks the authority to do so. Unlike Changmin who's good at being an authority figure but at the same time able to galvanize the people around him.

Either way, Seojun will be there to support Y/N.

The moment I exited the room, I was surprised to see Min-si was still there. Once she spotted me, she briskly walked towards me and said, "I just want to say thank you once again for giving me a chance."

I nodded my head and smiled. "You were great and you deserve it." Min-si's cheeks turned red without her knowing. "Are you going to your next schedule now?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Are you going to the cafe later on?" Min-si asked in curiosity.

I hummed and asked, "Will you be there?" She nodded her head. "We will see." I answered with a smirk and winked at her. She was stunned by what I did. I laughed at her reaction and bid farewell to her.

Min-si pinched herself to see if this was a dream and she felt the pain of her pinch. "Doesn't he remember that I'm a fan." Min-si shook her head in disbelief.


I'm currently on the comfort of my couch. Today is the day that the Running Man episode that I was in will be released. I wanted to see how the producers edited the episode.

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