Chapter 7

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My schedule is packed today. First, I have to go to the company to deal with something which was taken care of rather quickly. Secondly, I have to go record the OST for the Korean Drama. Lastly, I'm meeting with Yoona later tonight.

I just reached the recording studio with Seoho. I was nervous as it's my first time recording an OST but I figured there's nothing different with it compared to recording my group's songs. I entered the studio and gave the staff some snacks before getting ready.

I think it became a routine for me to always buy snacks for the staff and crew. It's worth it though as they are more approachable if they are not hungry and tired. I entered the recording room. I gave the producer the 'okay' sign and proceeded to sing.

All eyes and ears were on Y/N. Believe it or not, It's their first time hearing Y/N singing an english song. Their expectations are pretty high and Y/N met them. What impressed them the most was how relaxed Y/N was. He seems to have no trouble with it.

"His pronunciation is off the charts." A staff member states. Seoho looked at the staff and shook his head in disbelief. "His first language is English." Seoho informed her. Now the staff's cheeks were bright red due to embarrassment.

Even though Y/N and his group are famous, you won't know everything about them unless you're a fan.

Recording of OST ended earlier than expected and Y/N still had time to spend his time willingly but he decided to just go straight to the restaurant that Yoona told him to go to as he didn't want to be late. Seoho wasn't taken back by this as he learned that Y/N is an early bird.

Yoona offered to drive Y/N to the restaurant but Y/N rejected her offer as he worries that a dispatch might be following him. He doesn't want to add another dating scandal to his name.

In a matter of an hour, Y/N reached the restaurant with the help of Seoho. "Call me if you need me to pick you up." Seoho told Y/N. Y/N nodded his head and thanked Seoho. As Y/N entered the restaurant, she saw Yoona was already there talking to a staff member. Y/N walked quickly to catch up with her.

"Noona! Did you change the timing?" I asked

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"Noona! Did you change the timing?" I asked. Yoona's heart skipped a beat as she was shocked by Y/N. Yoona playfully punched me in the shoulder. "I know you will be an hour or so early so we figured we would be here by then." Yoona informed me.

"We? There's more people?" I asked. Yoona slowly nodded her head. Before I was able to ask who the other people were, Yoona motioned me to follow her. As we entered the secluded part of the restaurant, I noticed two familiar people.

Taeyeon and Baekhyun.

I'm not ready for this. I wanted to abort but that will make it awkward for the three of them so I decided to just stay. I greeted both of them and they both greeted me back. Baekhyun happily did but there was a hint of awkwardness when Taeyeon did it.

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