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My fiancé, Violet Rose is beautiful. At the moment she is sitting at table and drinking tea.

"So when is the wedding?"

Her blue eyes are fixed on her plate and her dark brown curls are in a braid. Her pale skin looks even whiter on this light and her veins show off more blue then usually. Ends of  her red plum lips that are shaped in a heart seem down. Almost as she is about to cry.

She is in pain, and i hate that I'm person who is causing this pain.

But it's not all my fault. Yes i want her with all my heart but She is too young for marriage and so am I but who will change my mother's mind?

"Next weekend" I answer, my voice is cold. I just want to give her a hug, make her feel safe, but my mother will get mad. Just few days Anthony, Just few days and she'll move to Paris and you do whatever you want.

Sadly, I couldn't sneak her in my room yesterday, i wonder if she's mad.

She fixes gaze on me after my words.
"So soon?"

"Sooner better" My mother responds before I can.

I see tear rolling down her cheek.
I just want to end this right now.

I can't see her cry, It's breaks my heart.

"Okey" She says and sips from her cup.

After a while she excuses herself and goes to her room.

I'll try my best to make her happy.



Im in my room on my bed crying.
When Anthony said that wedding is next weekend the thing in me clicked.

I was getting married and nothing would stop it.

Until this everything was dizzy, Like I was dreaming but when he said those words, I wanted to burst in tears right there.

I hear a knock and ask them politely to leave, but then door opens and Anthony comes in. He pulls me in hug?

"I am sorry darling that you have to go through this, but i promise I'll try everything to make your life like dream"

"My dream is freedom!" I say bit harshly.

He doesn't gets mad though, he sighs.

"Why you have to be so stubborn?"

I don't respond. Instead I try to get out of his grip, bur he only tightens his grip so i give up.

"I will go now" he says after few minutes of  'hugging'  reality i was sitting like a tree with my hands on my thighs and Anthony had hands wrapped around me.

"Okey" I say looking away

"I want you to meet my friends tomorrow"

"I don't want to"

"You have to" he responds  and shuts door harshly making me flinch.

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