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"Come on Georgie." Abby whispered."Tell me." The girl begged young Weasley.

George looked at the young witch and a wide smile formed on his lips."Just watch." And looked over her shoulder towards the long corridor with a great door.

Suddenly there was a sound of nearing steps and from the corner appeared Abby's dearest head of her house. Severus Snape. Her face went pale and her body froze."Freddie, no!"

Fred was just nodding his head with a mischievous face and George was quietly giggling.

The dungeon bat slowly walked towards his potions classroom and the Weasley twins were tensed. When he was right in front of the door where Georgie came from, he stopped.

"George Fabien Weasley! Fred Gideon Weasley!" Snape shouted and his face turned into a grin."And who do we have here?"Snape asked himself when he stared at Abby."Abby Monica Goldstein and the Weasley twins are trying to prank me?"

Abby was staring at the man in front of her."I was just going around and ..."

Severus leaned down and spat at the young girl."Don't be an arrogant... little brat and get... up!" He snatched her arm and pulled her up. "Now!... Go there... and... open...that ...door!"

"No!" Fred squeezed out. Potions master turned towards him and cocked an eyebrow. The left side of his lips curled into a smile while he was dragging Abby behind him. He stopped at the door and said.

"Why not Mr. Weasley?"But Fred or George was too stunned to speak."Go on!" Professor shoved her arm."I don't have... all day."

Abby reached her hand for the handle but Fred was faster."No! She won't open them!"And pushed her hand away. Then he turned the handle down and... There was a pink flashlight.

Brown-haired witch burst out laughing when she saw what happened. But she was not the only one with tears in her eyes. George was quietly dying on the floor and Snape. Snape was smirking under his nose thinking about their own foolishness.

"A bunny?" The Goldstein girl asked between her laugh. "Fred is a pink bunny?" She turned to George.

"Wait for it! When he'll speak he..." The other twin said and again burst out laughing.

"So!" The man with a baritone voice called out. "How do you feel... Mr. Weasley. Are you ashamed?"And was waiting for his answer but when Fred the bunny opened his little chubby mouth he...

"Not yet." George exclaimed with a chuckle.

And then it happened. Fred didn't talk. He was opening his mouth but all that could be heard were only farting sounds. This was the silliest but also funniest thing she had ever seen. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

Snape pinched the root of his nose and then massaged his temporal bones with his fingers. "Oh...Merlin. Save us all and mainly these childish... bastards." He murmured under his breath and shook his head. He pointed his wand at him."Silencio."

Professor leaned towards the bunny and picked him up by his little, fluffy tail."You two are going with me and you," He glared at Abby." you'll come to my office at 6 pm Miss Goldstein."

"But I didn't do anything." She said and crossed her arms.
"Yes. Yes, it is." The girl snapped at him back but that was not too smart.

As Severus walked down the corridor he added."And bring me an essay about Babbling Beverage. 2 parchments."
"But I have classes! When am I supposed to write it?"

The man in black threw his hand up."3 parchments and don't be late!"

George who was walking next to him turned towards Abby and mimicked."Sorry."

Abby willingly mimicked back with a wide smile."Fuck you!" When they disappeared behind the corner she started walking to her room.

When the witch arrived at her dorm she made an annoying sound and threw herself on her bed.

"Hey! You look like shit." A mannish voice with a German accent said."And it's barely 9 am."
Abby lifted her head up and looked at her aquarium."Shut up, Ben! You're not the main star today like you were 3 days ago. Telling Snape that he should go and fuck himself."

The fish swam to the surface and then he placed his little blackfin on the edge of the glass aquarium.
"That was quite funny." Ben smiled."But what happened today? Snape?"
Abby nodded and silenced her scream with her pillow."Again?"

"Yes. Oh my god, I'm so mad because of that man! I have classes in 1 and half hours and..."
"Let me guess Monica. You have to write some stupid essay." Her fish said. Only he referred to her by her second name.

"3 parchments till 6 pm."And then she heard her pet laugh."But I have classes to attend and Draco can't help me because he is with his dad."

Ben rolled his eyes and hid inside his little castle. "He is with that hot ass wizard? You don't say." He chuckled."And about that essay."A little head peeked out of the little window.

"I'll write it for you with help of Quick-Quotes Quill."

Abby wheezed with excitement and clapped her hands."Will you? And what? Hot wizard? Lucius is not hot. He is just his dad."

"Of course but I need to know the topic of your essay and then a new aquarium. But not a round one because I'm going crazy from this fucking glass bowl. I'm not a specialist Monica but you should see a doctor. An ophthalmologist because you don't see how hot is your second "daddy"." Ben noted.

"Babbling Beverage. And about that aquarium. I'll go and get it tomorrow." The Slytherin girl said to her dear friend. She took a pinch of fish food between her fingers.

"Huh. You were talking shit, weren't you? Because of this potion..."

Abby opened her mouth to say something but she was interrupted by Ben."Monica! Don't you dare talk to me like with a chil..."

"Who's my little boy?" She lisped with a higher voice tone.

At that moment, Ben's pupils widened and he forgot all his mores. He acted like a hungry puppy."Me." He was saying."Me."

When she fed him, he shook and said."You know that I hate it!"

"Yup. But I just adore your cute puppy eyes."

They were chatting about that stupid essay and the reason why she must write it. They were talking till 9:50 am. After their conversation, Abby left her fish and headed to her first class of the day. Herbology.

I hope that this story is fine... And will be fine... Just wait for it...

Sunflower I 𝔏𝔲𝔠𝔦𝔲𝔰 𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔣𝔬𝔶 Where stories live. Discover now