C H A P T E R 3 - T H E. . . W H A T?

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Hello welcome back hope you are enjoying so far um



Ok so um I'm just gonna start writing hope you don't hate this lol

WARNING: I'm bad at dialogue, which this chapter unfortunately will have a lot more of than mine usually do, so it WILL be... definitely off somehow lol

Ana's POV

I hated the thought that Gem had been here in the cave for hours, waiting for me to see the note. I had been so worried for him, and wanted, needed, to know where he was, and I hadn't thought to check in one of his favourite places.

I was speeding towards the cave, seeing Gemini's outline becoming larger and larger. As Gem seemed to grow larger, so did the knot of anxiety in my stomach. For a while, I had noticed whenever I was with Gem I tended to get nervous. Just being around him gave me butterflies, and honestly, I didn't mind it that much.

Since about 2-3 weeks ADB (after Dev's betrayal), I had noticed I was kinda... fantasizing... about Gem. I thought about everyone on the team a lot, they were the only people left alive I really cared about. My thoughts about Gem were... different though. And private. They made me feel like I was betraying Nelinha, even if she no longer hated Gem.

Thinking about him made my heart flutter, made my palms sweat, made he feel weak and strong at the same time, made me feel... whole. Myself.

Anyways, once I arrived in the cave, I was basically a nervous wreck. I was now, unfortunately, really good at hiding it. Not with Nelinha, Ester, and now Gem, though. I couldn't hide anything from any of them. Not very well, at least.

Once I was sure I was securely inside the air pocket the cave provided, I slipped off my helmet.

Gem didn't seem to notice my nerves, he seemed to busy struggling with his own. "Hey, Ana." He smiled weakly, as though his heart wasn't fully in it. Which is weird. Gemini is a very, very honest person. He never pretended or sugarcoated anything.

"Hey, Morales," I said, grinning at the stupid nickname. It was honestly shocking how much he looked like Miles Morales. And no one would ever let him forget it.

Gem grimaced, although he was used to the nicknames and jokes by now. We had been calling him Miles Morales-related jokes for the past 2-ish years.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes, somehow awkward and comfortable at once.

"So," I said, trying to make Gem talk. "Why... did you want me to be here today? You've been waiting here a long time for me to show up. Sorry about that."

"It's okay, Ana, really. As for why I asked you ou- to come here, I mean, I wanted to, uh, talk to you about something."

I wanted to say something kinda mean about how that was obvious, but Gem actually seemed really nervous for once and I knew making fun of him wouldn't help.

Gem looked up from his lap, staring intensely into my eyes. He seemed to be steeling himself to say something. I leaned in a little, like I had been dreaming about for what felt like ages. Something about his gaze just seemed so magnetic. He leaned closer too. He glanced down at my mouth, and I glanced at his. He had beautiful lips, they looked soft. I wanted to see if they actually were. Really badly.

Our faces having barely any space between them, I leaned in, our noses now touching. My eyes fluttered closed and-

Gem gasped really loudly. He pulled back and skittered away like a crab, on all fours. He blushed red, now looking even more like a crab, and I felt my own face burning too. We sat like that for a minute, both of us to shocked to react.

Suddenly, he grabbed his helmet and ran, about to escape the now awkward silence. I was faster. Right as he was about to exit the cave, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back in.

I knew if he really wanted to leave, he would easily be able to escape my grip and go. I didn't even have my helmet in my hand, so if Gem could get into the water he would have a huge head start. Usually no helmet wouldn't bother me, but we were way to deep to go in the water without one. Even I wouldn't last longer than a few seconds in that.

He stayed. I gently pulled him back to a rock we sometimes sat on together.

"Please stay," I whispered.

I wanted to say something else, break the tension, but the words wouldn't come out.

I realized I was still holding his wrist even though we were already sitting down. I loosened my grip, and was about to let go when Gem slid his hand up. Now we were holding hands, our fingers laced together.

I felt even more lost that... well, when I had gotten stabbed only a few weeks ago, and Gem had instantly stripped off his shirt and ripped it to use as a bandage for my wound. I had been in shock, both from being stabbed and because... I liked what I saw, if I'm being honest.

Since that had happened, I wondered what would happen if I got hurt like that again, and only Gem was there. Would he rip off his shirt again, or would he use the first-aid kit that was right there like when he had done it the first time?

I felt a little tempted to get hurt, just to see. There was no first-aid in here.

"Gem, I-"

"No, Captain," He said, the word packed full of melancholy and dripping with sadness. All the times we had talked about feelings, and I had never heard him become that devastated. He let go of my hand, letting it hand limp at my side. "I overstepped a boundary. I shouldn't have done that. You're my leader, and I shouldn't have let feelings get in the way. That was a mistake. It won't happen again." He sniffled, forcing on his helmet.

I grabbed his hand again, holding on tighter. This time, he didn't let me drag him back. He was moments from diving into the water when I shouted out-


Haha ya done been CLIFFHANGER-ED

I'm funny I swear

I'm so funny

Haha. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Anyways yeah hope you enjoyed.

-UrGenderfluidLesbian, Alex 😗 ✌️

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