C H A P T E R 4 - T H E C O N F E S S I O N

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Ok so hi welcome back to this

Dedicated to @Dance2my_Destiny for being the first one to comment on this story, but also for commenting on every chapter so far. It makes me really happy you seem to be enjoying this :)

Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm writing this on a crappy old iPad that forgot  how to work and takes wayyyy to long to load, it has worse autocorrect than most stuff does. (It literally just tried to correct does to doeskin) one day I might go back and fix spelling errors :)))


Ana's POV

"YES IT WILL." I shouted out, desperate for Gemini to stay.

Gem paused, still facing away from me. After a moment, he slowly pulled off his helmet, hopefully so he would talk to me. He took a deep breath, like he was about to lecture me, then said, "Excuse me?"

"Oh. Um..." I seem to have forgotten how to speak. All the situations I had been in, and this was when my vocal chords stopped working?

"Well, I just meant, I- I do want it to happen again. Whatever that was. I liked it. We, we almost... and I really wanted to, if I'm being honest, and well, Gem, what I'm trying to say is... I like you. Like, really like you." 

I breathed a sigh of relief, having finally told him. I may have been blushing so hard, I was about to explode, but at least he knew. When he didn't respond immediately, I started breathing shakily. I felt tears going. Oh, God, I thought. What if he doesn't feel the same?

He turned after what felt like an eternity. He walked towards me as if he were in a trance. He stopped, standing really close so we were almost touching. He stared into my eyes, and I marvelled in how beautiful his were.

"Actually, that's, uh, what I wanted to talk to you about, Ana. That's why I left the note earlier. I wanted to tell you that I-" he took a huge breath. "I wanted to tell you, I like you too."

He shifted, obviously feeling awkward. "I, uh, can... Can I ..? You know what? I'm just gonna... Um..." 

He awkwardly gestured over his shoulder, and slowly began to turn, but I grabbed his shoulder, keeping him in place. I glared up at him, stepping in as close as I could be. "No way, Gem. Stop. Don't keep trying to leave me here."

Finally, I seemed to really get to him. I reached up, eyes fluttered closed, and he met me halfway. We kissed, and it was the most magical feeling. The butterflies in my stomach exploded outwards, filling me with pure joy.

Eventually we pulled away, both gasping for air.  I slowly opened my eyes, and he looked at me, shocked, and said, "Ana? Ana! Franklin, where's Franklin? She's awake! Finally!"

Huh? What did he mean, I was finally awake? I had been there, with him in the cave the whole time. We had kissed, and everything felt perfect, and-

Wait a minute. Where was I?

Gem's POV

Ana was finally awake! She looked confused, which made sense. She had been unconscious for an entire week, and it was my fault.


I had been distracted by my stupid emotions, and all the times I had taken on and off my helmet had gotten a bunch of sand in it. Once I had put it back on the last time, I had gotten a lot in my eyes, and I couldn't see anything. If I took my helmet off then put it back on again, I would just get more sand in my eyes. 

I was preparing to dive back into the water, and follow the constant glow of the Nautilus back to the base, when Ana screamed, "GEM! LOOK OUT!"

Frozen, and not being able to look anywhere from the sand in my eyes, I stood there, doing nothing. Suddenly, I felt Ana tackling me to the ground, and she cried out in pain. Ana's dolphin Socrates, who liked being near the cave because Ana and I spent so much time there, came rushing to the cave entrance right away. I put Ana on Socrates's back, and holding on to them both, we sped back to the base.

~~~~~~~~~~~Back at the base~~~~~~~~~~~~

Eventually, Ana was in the Sick Bay and Franklin was examining her. Nelhina came in almost as soon as Ana was laid down on a cot, with Ester and her dog, Top, close behind.

About an hour later, Franklin told me the extent of her injuries. She had dislocated her left shoulder, fractured her skull, and probably had a concussion (which I figured out on my own, thank you very much.) other than that, she had a bunch of minor cuts and bruises.

With all the alt-tech healing supplies available, Franklin estimated Ana should wake up sometime within the next 2 weeks, and should be fully healed in 1-2 months (if she did have a concussion).

I stayed by Ana's side day and night, not leaving her side for even a moment. For the first few days, I had slept in the uncomfortable visitor chair that was at Ana's bedside. On the third day, I woke up in a cot that had been dragged over, next to Ana's. Now, I shifted between sitting on the chair, the cot, the floor, and pacing the room. Ester and Nelinha spent most of every day visiting, but still did average things too. Nelinha still analyzed alt-tech weapons and tools, and Ester still sat in the library, reading and writing on note cards.

A week had passed since the day in the cave, and I was getting really worried about Ana. I noticed she stirred a bit, although it had probably been my hopeful thinking.

I noticed Ana's breathing becoming unstable, and I called for Franklin, who was tending to a bleeding toe because someone stubbed their toe REALLY hard. (I've actually had this happen to one of my siblings before, it was super gross)

I grabbed Ana's hand, holding on, but not too tightly, if she was waking up she might be in pain from her injuries (we had her on painkillers but she always reacted weirdly to them). I leaned forward and rested my forehead on the edge of her cot, silently begging Ana would wake up and be okay. 

I heard a small gasp and I shot upwards, staring shocked at Ana's face. her eyes fluttered open, and I shot to my feet, letting go of Ana's hand.

"Ana? Ana! Franklin, where's Franklin? She's awake! Finally!"


Question: have you ever read the school for good and evil series? 

So hope you enjoyed, have a nice day, author-y stuff, etc. etc.

- UrGenderfluidLesbian, Alex 😗 ✌️ 

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