C H A P T E R 5 - T H E S I C K B A Y

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Dedicated to TawntheMudwing because I read your comment on chapter 4 and it gave me so much serotonin instantly. Like, I almost started CRYING with joy cuz it made me so happy. I'm still trying to hold back tears (sure, I only saw it like 5 minutes before I started writing this chapter, but still...)

Ok so hope you aren't too mad at me for my beautiful plot twist in the last chapter

Ngl I'm mad at myself for it tho so I don't blame you if you are lol

Also, I noticed I made Gem say god a few times in the last chapter, and I just reread daughter of the deep and actually took in the fact that he doesn't say it because of his beliefs, so I'm sorry if that made anyone mad or uncomfortable, I edited that out so it doesn't say it anymore, if you start reading this book after I edited that than don't worry cuz I fixed it.


Enjoy :)))

Ana's POV

"Ana? Ana! Franklin, where's Franklin? She's awake! Finally!"

Huh? What did he mean, I was finally awake? I had been there, with him in the cave the whole time. We had kissed, and everything felt perfect, and-

Wait a minute. Where was I?

I turned my head, seeing Billionaire Medic Franklin bandaging someone's foot. It looked really bloody. Ouch.

We were in... In the Sick Bay, for some reason. Why was I laying down? 

Oh. Right.

It all came back. I remembered I had seen a weird, shadowy figure in front of Gem, but he hadn't noticed it. I had tackled him to the ground when I had seen it moving as though it were going to hit him, or crush him with something. I remember I had felt a rock hit me, and everything went dark.

Speaking of Gem, he had just called for Franklin. He was looking back at me, he looked relieved. Knowing Gem, he wouldn't be worried unless I was out for a while, at least 4 hours. 

"H-how long was I out?" I tried speaking, but my voice came out barely louder than a whisper. 

My mouth was too dry. No one noticed me speak. I lifted my hand and hit Gem, making him pay attention to me. He turned immediately. 

"Gem. How long?" I asked again.

"Oh. Um, a week. Ana, I'm sorry. I didn't notice that, that, well, whatever it was. I have no idea. I should have. I was too distracted with, uh," He was blushing furiously. He looked like a cute tomato, rubbing his neck awkwardly. I started blushing just as bright as Gem was. "Well, you know. That. Yeah." He mumbled incoherently for a minute, his voice fading until he was just mouthing words soundlessly. 

I sat there watching him mumble (MUMBLER!!!! -Willy Wonka) for a few seconds, until I thought over what he said. He blamed himself for my injury. Typical Gem. Forever the bodyguard that had been assigned to me by Hewett. My bodyguard.

I had found it irritating how much Gemini followed rules in the first 2 years of knowing him. Now though, I found it endearing. He-

Ana, no! Bad Ana! I chided myself. Gem isn't here right now because he cares about you. Not in a romantic way. He just wants to be your friend.

I went back, thinking about what had originally started this embarrassing train of thought. Right. Stupid Gemini Twain blamed himself for my injury.

I inturrupted his soundless mutters, "Gem, no. Don't blame yourself for my choices. I chose to take that hit so you wouldn't. I just did what you would have done for me. You're one of my best friends." He glanced up at me, then looked away, now even redder than he had been before.

I choked on the word friends. I didn't want to be just friends with Gem. I wanted more. My knocked-out dreams had finally proven what I had been trying to avoid.

I had fallen for Gem. Completely. Hopelessly.

There was no way he felt the same. I mean, a dream is just a dream. Fantasy.

"Ana." I looked up, peeking through my eyelashes (people istg autocorrect is the worst. It tried correcting eyelashes to he's y'alls).

Gem's POV

"Ana." She looked up at me, staring right into my eyes. Wow. She's really so beautiful. I had noticed before, but at this moment it really hit me. I heard Franklin talking in the background, but I didn't care what he was saying. He wasn't talking to either of us anyways. I leaned forwards. I told myself it was because I didn't want her to strain her voice.

"I- I can't help but blame myself. You're my best friend, and I let myself get distracted. It shouldn't have happened. You wouldn't have been passed out for the past week if I hadn't been so dramatic. That's why I'm sorry, Ana. It's my fault."

"For the last time, Gem I-"

"So sorry to interrupt, guys," Tia walked over to us. She really looked sorry. That's what Franklin had just been talking about. He had been calling Tia here to look at Ana while he was busy. 

"Really, I do hate to interrupt, but I have to give Ana a checkup. I need to know how she's doing. Gemini, you've been here all week. You know Franklin hasn't been letting me help as much as he would before." I blushed harder, even though I hadn't thought that was even possible. My face felt like it was about to fry off. 

Honestly, I hadn't really been planning on telling Ana I had been here all week unless she refused to listen to reason, probably trying to sneak off and work before Franklin and Tia cleared her to go. If I ever brought it up, I wanted to use it as leverage.

I left to let Tia work. I didn't want her asking me questions about why I was blushing so hard.

I left to go back to my bunk on the Nautilus, hoping to get some better sleep than I had in the cot for the past week. Now that Ana was awake, I was much less worried about her.

Ana's POV

I stayed in the Sick Bay for another 3 days before Tia and Franklin decided I was good to leave. Gem still spent most of his time with me, trying to keep me occupied. When he wasn't visiting, I thought a lot about the dream I had had right before I had woken up.

I remembered the feel of dream-Gem's lips on mine, his hand in mine, his other hand on my back while I tangled mine in his hair. I remembered the feeling of fireworks-in-the-stomach when our dream selves had kissed. 

I wanted to know if real life-Gem's lips felt that soft, pressed against mine. Badly.

I wanted the feeling of security I had felt in my dream, when Gemini and I had kissed. I had felt so safe, and it wasn't until that feeling was gone that I noticed even in Lincoln Base, or in the Nautilus, I didn't feel 100% safe unless I was with Gem.

When I had kissed Gem, everything finally felt right.

A sudden thought came to mind. If I hadn't hated Gem for the better part of 2 years, would my fantasy have already happened? Would I always have felt that safe, that loved and cared for?

I needed to know. I needed to know now.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, this one took me a lot longer than a chapter usually does.

Comments mean so much to me, like a comment is just INSTANT serotonin so please don't be scared to comment :)

Anyways, hope you enjoyed, author-y stuff, etc. etc.

-UrGenderfluidLesbian, Alex 😗 ✌️

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