A/N - UPDATES!!!!!!!

802 7 4

Hello hello yes

So i have good news for you that have happened be cause of bad news :)

The bad news: all 3 of my sisters and my mom have all got COVID

so yk kinda sucks for me cuz now i'm probs gonna get it

Why this gives you good news: i'm staying home from school until AT LEAST Monday, and I'm isolating in my room so i'm not around ANY of my family for the rest of the week. A lot of the school work I will have to do at home will mostly be just read through some lesson slideshows, and my teacher won't be there to drag out lessons to take up about 2 hours, they should instead take about 20 mins :)

now you might understand, or you want me to get to the point and explain why it is good news.

The point?

I have most of a week with almost NOTHING to do. This means there should be a few updates on all of my stories!!! :D

So, please request, the more requests I get, the more chapters you guys will get over the next week! (and in the future)

Thanks :)

hope you guys are ok, cuz i'm not at all lol (yk homophobic, transphobic family but i'm genderfluid AND lesbian, sucks to be me lol)

Have a great *insert current time here*!

UrGenderfluidLesbian, Alex 😗✌

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