A/N again sorry guys

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Ayoooooooo welcome back

So again, suuuuper sorry I haven't updated, I know I used to publish basically a chapter a day but that was when I had IDEAS

Ik I say this way too much but I don't want to move the story too fast but I don't have ideas on how to make it longer, so I'll write some filler chapters that will still be part of the story, so for example just like them on some underwater mission or smth

Or maybe some of what happened ✨in the cave✨ before the story actually started, like maybe the origin of the cave hangout or something????

Idk sounds cool, tell me if you would like that

If you have a request for a filler chapter, private message me so I can write it but no one else will know what the chapter will be about until they have actually read it

The reasons I haven't been writing on this fanfic as much as before is...

1. No ideas

2. I had a huge mental breakdown last Sunday cuz everyone was screaming at each other and it was really triggering for me, kinda a sensory overload, so I hid under a table and cried my eyes out (yes a perfect coping mechanism, absolutely flawless)

3. I'm working on other stories, check them out if you haven't yet

4. I've been really busy with school, I just finished a research project and now I'm starting ANOTHER one and they are both about history, I also just get a lot of work and it takes me forever to do cuz I'm stupid.

5. For school I'm doing literacy circles rn and I have to read 68 pages a week which isn't that much, ik, but I also have to do a lot of annotating which I am not good at so it takes me way to long, it is a good book though

6. It's been probably like 2 months since I read Daughter of the Deep so honestly I can't remember enough for this, I should read it again

6. I've been reading a lot more fanfics than before, so I can't read and write at the same time (trust me, I tried it once and I wrote like 3 words on a story and read fanfics and oneshots for like 2 hours

7. I have no motivation for anything, basically ever 

So yeah lol, hopefully I'll publish something here soonish

- UrGenderfluidLesbian, Alex 😗✌️

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