Chapter 1

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Kali Brown and her best friend Carrie Moore were the most popular girls at Paxton High. They weren't your typical bitchy, plastic, popular mean girls they were just popular mostly because of Carrie, whos parents had a lot to do with the town. Paxton was a small town near Queensland in Australia. There were only around 3,000 people that lived there and not many people ever noticed it. It was your average town and nothing out of the ordinary ever happened there and thats how the residents liked it - drama free. Everyone knew everyone and there were no upper-class or lower-class people everyone was the same.

Kali lived with her younger sister Adelaide who she always referred to as Adi and her mum Kathy. Her Dad had died when she was 3 and her sister was 1. She never really got to know him because he was always working but Kali could clearly remember his smile. She would always remember his wide grin and his bleach white teeth but that was all. She and her sister both had long brown hair but Adelaide's was much lighter. They were both above average height but werent exactly tall. Luckily Kali lived a few houses down from Carrie so they would always be together.


Kali sat at the white kitchen counter messily eating a bowl of 2 minute noodles. She stared up at the fridge which was directly infront of her, that was full of photos of both Kali and Ali. She drifted off into a dreamworld thinking about when she and her sister were younger and how they would always play horses in the backyard together.

"Heya!" cheered Carrie as she opened the big glass doors that lead into the kitchen. Kali looked up at the clock to see what the time was - 5:30. Her Mum was down at the shops getting the groceries for the week.

"Hey," Kali replied snapping back into reality and realised she had noodles hanging out of her mouth.

"So what are you doing tonight?" Carrie asked as she wiped noodles off of Kali's lap and onto the floor.

"Nothing exciting, I was thinking of watching season 4 of gossip girl again," Kali continued.

"Sounds great, my parents have this stupid town meeting tonight so I told them i'll stay here," Carrie  said, rolling her eyes and flicking her straight blonde hair off her shoulders.

"Cool!" Kali grinned as she finished her bowl of noodles and placed her bowl in the sink. 

They both walked upstairs into Adi's room, she was sitting on her bed covered in study notes. She had always been the braniac of the family and loved to study. The room was completely dark and only a lamp shon brightly on the bedside table.

"Have you got my gossip girl season 4 set?" Kali asked, peering her head around the door.

"Yeah its on my desk," nodded Adi. Kali walked over to her desk, almost falling over her sisters pet mouse named Honey who was always on her wheel, and looked around for the discs. Adelaide's phone lit up and Kali had a quick look at it.

Byron: Hey what u up to?

"Who's Byron?" Asked Kali confused, turning around to face Adelaide.

"What?" Adi's eyes instantly darted across the room.

"Give it here!" She snarled running over to Kali and reaching out to grab the phone.

Kali shook her head.

"Who is he?" Kali chuckled

"Nobody!" Adi snapped

"Ohh Adelaide's got a boyfriend!" snickered Carrie who was leaning against the door, arms crossed.

"He's not my boyfriend!" she shot back.

"Come on we always talk to each other!" Kali whined.

"It's just this new kid that I showed around at school and i gave him my number incase he needed anything." confessed Adi as she put the phone in her pocket and went and sat down on her bed.

Kali looked at her for a few moments then quickly grabbed the CD's and walked out if the room. The two of them then walked across to Kali's room which was opposite Adelaide's. 

"Your sisters such a nerd!" Carrie laughed as she flopped herself onto Kali's big white bed.

"She's not a nerd exactly, she just likes to study alot!" Kali laughed whilst she put the DVD into the player. 

They both laid on the bed waiting the the DVD to begin. 

"Omg I forgot to tell you what happened the other day!" Carrie exclaimed.

"What?" Kali replied, resting her head on her head.

"I saw Darcey at Milkyway and she came and sat with me, I was like um? It was so embarassing you know I can't be seen with people like her!" Carrie exclaimed, giving a little snort.

Darcey was the school loser/loner. Kali didn't want to be mean to her she was just really weird and was always trying to talk to her and Carrie but she was so dorky and they didn't want to be seen with her. They both agreed that if she actually tried with her appearance then she could actually be pretty but she had short greasy black hair that really stood out and wore the drabiest clothes. 

"What did you do?" Kali coughed

" I ignored her and walked away!" Carrie replied shruging it off.

"Carrie! You could have said something to her!" 

"Why she's... ew!"

They both laughed it off and laid back down to continue watching Gossip Girl which had already started whilst they were talking.


Hey so i hope you liked the first chapter and if you did please vote and comment if you think i could improve on anything! :) x

**Girl on the right is Kali (Troian Bellisario)** 

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