Chapter 3

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Kali woke up to the sound of her Mum making a rucus downstairs. She rolled over to face her window and looked at her alarm clock that sat perched on her bedside table.

10:13am Saturday 11th April 2012

She forced herself out of her bed and went and had a shower. The icy cold water on her back sent a shiver down her spine and immediately woke her up. She stood in the shower for another 5 minutes and slowly turned it off. She went back to her room and quickly got dressed into cute white dress that had blue flowers on it. She threw herself down on her bed and checked her phone, her wet hair flying everywhere. She had 1 new message from Carrie:

Hey do you wanna do something today? x

Sure! I only just woke up though so maybe later :) x

She quickly brushed her wet hair and walked downstairs. As she walked past Adelaide's room she remembered what had happened the night before. Her Mum was sitting down at the kitchen table on the phone and biting her nails, something she did when she was nervous or worried.

Uh oh...

Kali walked over to her and sat down on the chair next to her Mum. She looked very worried and kept biting her nails faster and faster, tearing more and more nail off.

"Mum?" whispered Kali as she put her hand on her Mum's to try and stop her from biting them. Her Mum kept talking on the phone for a few moments then hung up.

"Mum, what's wrong?" she asked starting to become worried.

"Nothing, it's nothing!" her Mum replied shaking off the subject.

"Mum." Kali demanded.

Her Mum took a deep breath.

"Adi hasn't come home yet." she sobbed, without actually crying.

"What?!" asked Kali not beleiving what she was hearing.

"Mum she could be at Chloe's or Trisha's," Kali suggested. They were Adelaide's closest friends.

Her Mum shook her head. Kali felt like bursting into tears, she could feel her eyes burning up, but she wanted to act cool infront of her Mum.

"I've rang their parents and she hasn't been with them," her Mum spoke as she got up and started pacing back and forth.

Wait a second... Kali thought. Maybe she was with Byron? 

"I'll be back Mum." she said as she turned around and raced upstairs into Adelaide's room. She frantically patted around her bed and on the floor desperately looking for her sisters phone. She fianlly found it on the floor between the bed and the bedside table. She grabbed it and scrolled through the messages again. Kali saw that she had sent one to Byron last night, at around 9:50pm. Kali didn't waste any time and quickly dialed him.

Kali sat out the front of Milkyway's constantly checking the time on her phone.


She was meeting up with Byron to ask about Adi.It felt like forever when she finally saw a boy coming who she hoped was him.

"Hey," he smiled as he sat across from Kali. He had short blonde hair that was whisked to the side how a typical surfer-guys hair would be. He had big brown eyes and a few freckles on his nose. Kali had to admit that he was pretty hot but ignore that and focused on Adelaide.

"Hey," she nodded back.

"What did you call me here for?" he asked looking confused.

"We can't find Adelaide." Kali burst out.

Oops! She thought.

"What?" asked Byron looking concerned.

"I looked through her texts to see if she was at her friends last night and I saw that she had talked to you," she continued.

"Yeah," Byron answered looking guilty.

"Why?" she asked.

"I needed help with our assignment thats due on Monday," he said.

"At 10 o'clock at night?" Kali asked wondering why on Earth he needed help at that time.

"Well it was a friday night,," he protested.

"What time did she leave?" Kali asked moving in closer to him.

"Umm around 11 maybe," he said.

"Did she say she was going anywhere after?" she asked resting her head on her hand.

"No, I assumed she was going straight home," he replied shrugging his shoulders. They talked for a few more minutes and Kali decided to finsh up.

"Anyway thanks for coming" Kali smiled as she stood up to leave.

"Make sure you keep intouch and tell me if you find her." Byron added before leaving, a sympathetics smile rose on his face. It felt so weird talking about Adelaide. 'if you find her'. It hadn't sunk in yet that Adelaide was practically missing.

Kali walked home quickly not stopping for anything. It was a quick 5 minute walk from her house to Milkyway and the other shops in town. She would often go to Milkyway with Carrie or Adelaide and they would share a double chocolate with extra whipped cream milkshake. Kali turned the corner which lead to her long street and she could just see her house. As she got closer she could see there were police cars pulled up on the front lawn everywhere.

Oh god! She though and started sprinting towards her house. As she was running a million thoughts flew through her head. 

Had they found her? Was she hurt? Was she dead?

Kali flew in the front door panting and wheezing and saw that her Mum was talking to three policemen. 

"What's happened? Have they found her? Is she ok?" she asked frantically and ran over to her Mum.

"They haven't found her yet," her Mum sobbed and wrapped her arms around her. Kali stood there listening to the police talk about the regulations that would have to happen for them to actually classify it as a missing persons case. It had to be atleast 24 hours until Adelaide was 'missing'.

"Can't you do something?" Kali yelled at them bursting into tears.

"She's out there somewhere and your not looking for her!"

"Honey! Their trying their best" her Mum interrupted.

"No Mum, NO their not doing anything at all!" she screamed and sprinted upstairs. She could feel her face on fire and was so frustrated with everyone. Why weren't they out there looking for her? She had been gone for 15 hours with no sight of her. She had to be somewhere out there. Kali laid on her bed crying for hours and hours when she felt someone wrap her arms around her.

Adi? She thought. She quickly spun around and saw that it was Carrie.

"Carrie?" She sobbed sitting up and hugging her friend. Her face must have been bright red.

"I came over to see you and your Mum told me, I'm so sorry Kali," said Carrie sympathetically. 

"I can't beleive she's gone!" moaned Kali.

"She'es not gone, don't say that, she's out there somewhere and she's coming home."


Sorry for the short chapter guys but I hope you like it! I haven't got many reads on it yet so please keep reading!! :) Also the girl on the side is Carrie, Kali' bestfriend :) (Annasophia Robb)

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