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you watched as they started to fight trying to keep your eyes on all of them at once 

which you found to be difficult considering there were so many of them moving around a giant field 

suddenly the trees behind the barrier  were shaking and being uprooted 

and out of the ground inside the barrier came five huge saw blades onto the battle field

you looked over at Wanda who gave you a nod 

taking that you ran down to the battlefield

as soon as you got down to the battlefield you went straight for the saw blades 

using the mist you leapt towards them making a huge ball with the mist and throwing it at one of the blades causing it to turn and crash into the other ones 

one of them steered off and  was about to hit Steve so you jumped over with a boost from the mist stopping in front of it lifting it up and throwing it backwards towards all the dog things 

Steve was surprised to see you but happy and disappointed 

"what are you doing here?"

Steve asked concerned 

you turned towards him 

"saving your life"

you said smiling at him 

"It's not safe here.."

he says looking at the ground 

your smile faded seeing his concern 

"Steve, I'll be okay.."

you said walking closer to him 

he looked up at you 

"just don't die okay?"

he said nodding at you

you smiled 

"You really think you can get rid of me that easy?"

Steve smiled as he bashed one of the alien dogs over the head 

you left him to his fight going to take care of the rest of the saw blades 

after taking all of them out you heard something from where Vision was 

you quickly went to make sure everything was okay because you had a gut feeling something wasn't right 

appearing back where they were you saw Wanda laying against the wall bleeding from her abdomen and Vision was gone 

Shuri went to Wanda and you went to look for Vision

the glass from one of the window was broken

jumping out of it you went in search of him 

while looking you heard someone and saw a yellow beam


you ran over and through the bushes you saw Vision rolling on the ground with a man 

intervening you stepped between them before the man could get to Vision blasting him backwards 

you turned to Vision grabbing his arm 

appearing back where Shuri and Wanda were you lay him down on the table 

"Shuri get to work I'll be back"

you said jumping back out the window heading back to where you found them 

the man was gone you didn't even see a footprint 

~Cardinal~ (LokixFem!Reader) Book 2 (Sequel to "Blue Bird")Where stories live. Discover now