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Why is it so dark?

Where is everyone?

A bright light appeared behind you..

Squinting you turned around

It mesmerized you

What is that?

One step....

It's beautiful.

Two steps....

Off in the distance you heard something

Turning to look all you could see was darkness


You looked around the dark place unable to see where the voice was coming from

"You'll be okay.."

Suddenly you recognized the voice


You thought to yourself seeing a faint image of him in the darkness

You turned to glance at the light once more contemplating where to go

The light felt warm and inviting

But you loved him...

Would he be in the light?

Or is this a trick?

You took a step towards the light but unsteadily took another back...

Where do I go from here?

Of course you'd think there wasn't even a choice that you should turn and run to him but..

The light felt pain free

All of your past troubles wouldn't haunt you there...

All the pain would vanish

But you turned back to where he was

Suddenly is came to you

I could never hurt him..could I?

You went back and forth till hearing him yell


you raged in your mind wondering why you thought you had to choose considering you knew it would be him

But you were tired

Of the pain..

Of the constant overwhelming fear something bad might happen and that would be that last time you saw anyone...

Suddenly looking at him in the distance you saw his heartbeat

You started walking towards him

Far enough you saw your own heartbeat

The light behind you started to fade

Far enough you let out a shaking breathe

Suddenly the ground was sand

While trying to walk to him you felt yourself being pulled towards the light that grew brighter

The sand making you sink towards the light

You were distressed

You tried climbing through it but he started to fade as the light got closer

Suddenly you dropped through the sand

Falling to hard ground

You looked at the ground and it was dim all around

"Hello blue bird"

~Cardinal~ (LokixFem!Reader) Book 2 (Sequel to "Blue Bird")Where stories live. Discover now