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"I am inevitable.."

everything was suddenly in slow motion

or it felt like it

you watched as he smiled at you

all of a sudden you flashed back

"your death will save many..."

and then you saw Tony again half of his body burned as the reactor shut down

and then it flashed to your mother

the image of her death playing on loop in your mind and than it flashed to Loki....

since the day you met him you knew something was special about him but you didn't yet know what

through the ups and downs and the emotions that blinded the both of you

his heart never would beat any less for you nor would yours

you couldn't help but have a fear set in your stomach knowing that if you died what would happen to him?

would he ever be okay again..?

or would he move on without another thought...

suddenly it hit you..

you flashed back turning around blasting the gauntlet causing him to stumble

you ran up as he tried to lift his hand using one hand you held his open and with the other you focused the mist on his chest pushing him farther and farther into the ground

using everything you had you lifted him into the air still keeping him encased in the mist while his arm stayed outstretched keeping the gauntlet out of his view

you pried it off of his hand and it hit the ground

throwing him against the cliff that stood behind you you dropped to your knees gasping for breath at the power that you used

you never thought you would have to use so much

you saw Loki run up kneeling in front of you his concern growing immensely

"my darling, are you alright..?"

he said looking you up and down

you looked up at him and then to the gauntlet and back to him

you smiled at him as tears began to fall from your eyes

he looked over at it then back to you


he said tears pooling in his eyes

he knew what you were thinking and he didn't want to think about what could happen to you

you stood up and he did the same trying to stay standing in front of you

"you don't have to Bucky can he can take it..."

he said seeing you stare at it

you looked up at him smiling

"I will never and have never stopped loving you from the moment I let you in..."

you said letting the mist show at your palms

you shook your head trying to shake your tears

"My life has been thrown to the wolves for 5 years until I met my family.."

you said looking over to make sure Thanos was still down

"You made me feel something for the first time since I was 6.."

~Cardinal~ (LokixFem!Reader) Book 2 (Sequel to "Blue Bird")Where stories live. Discover now