Beyond The Scene - Part 1

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Au: An O'Broden piece - things change between Holland and Dylan after the season 3a kiss between Stiles and Lydia.

Holland pulled away from him slowly as her eyes flickered open, she stayed frozen for a moment as she took in everything that had just happened. Dylan was a few centimetres away from her as his eyes finally opened too, they were wide and full of something new as they glanced around her face, like they were seeing all her features for the first time. His pink lips were now a little more plump and swollen as they remained in the same position from when they kissed, as if he was afraid of moving and breaking the moment. Their eyes met as if they were drawn together and Dylan released some shaky breaths as he struggled to find the words to speak, like she had literally taken his breath away. Holland's hands remained not far from his face as she remembered what it felt like to hold.

"H-How did y-you do that?" He stuttered slightly as his words were breathy and shaky, his eyes every so often glancing back down to her lips, and then back to her eyes. "I read somewhere that holding your breath could stop a panic attack so...when i k-kissed you, you held your breath." She spoke softly and carefully as she tried her best to keep herself focussed, to remember her lines, but the kiss they had just shared seemed to be haunting her mind. Dylan gave her a small genuine smile as he nodded slightly. "That was really smart." He sniffed slightly, his eyes holding so much warmth and love, Holland almost felt frozen slightly as she tried to remember her next line. As the scene continued, Holland felt more and more confused, what was wrong with her? She seemed to be struggling to stay in character, which hardly ever happened to her. It was just a scene, and she'd kissed loads of other actors before, but this time, it felt different. He felt different.

"ANDDD CUTT GUYS! That was great! We'll rehearse it again tomorrow so go rest!" The director shouted loudly throughout the set, which seemed to snap Holland out of her thoughts. Dylan rose steadily to his feet from the floor, as he seemed to snap out of his character perfectly, he was a true professional. He gave her a soft smile, "Wow. I love that scene! You did amazing Hol, your eyes show so many emotions, you really show how confused Lydia is about her own feelings after the kiss, it's beyond perfect." Dylan gushed at her happily as he she smiled at his kind words, feeling slightly nervous for a reason she couldn't place. He put his hand out for her to hold as she took it gently, helping her to her feet kindly. "Thanks Dyl you're pretty amazing yourself! I mean the way you look at me after the kiss! you look so in love, like you're seeing me in this completely new way, and the way you subtly make glances towards my lips?! You can just see how much the kiss means to Stiles, how much the kiss shocked him! You're an astounding actor!" she praised him as they began walking together off set. Dylan gave her a wide cheeky smile as he put his hands in his pockets. "Well when it came to that kiss, i think i can definitely say i wasn't completely acting!" he joked cheekily at her as she gave him a puzzled look.

"What? what do you mean?" She asked him genuinely as he continued to smirk at her. "I meant that you're a pretty good kisser." He stated matter of factly as Holland felt a light blush creep onto her cheeks. "You're not so bad yourself." she responded quickly as he blushed too slightly. The pair quickly met up with Tyler and Crystal at the buffet table as Tyler and Dylan instantly began falling into a mindless chatter about baseball. "Crystal! I NEED to talk to you." Holland rushed over to the pretty brunette hastily, just as she was tucking into a chocolate croissant. Crystal smiled at her before her face dropped instantly at hearing the urgency in her voice. "You Okay Hol?" Crystal said with a slight mouthful before swallowing and placing her croissant back on her plate. "We need to talk like now...(she glanced over to the boys quickly before looking back at Crystal) ...somewhere more privately..." Holland stated urgently as Crystal nodded immediately understanding.

The tall girl quickly gathered a few pastries and donuts from the table onto her plate before rushing off with Lydia, her free arm linking with hers as she led her directly to her trailer. Once inside they quickly closed the door, Holland jumped onto Crystal's sofa in defeat, her hands covering her face. Crystal took a seat next to the troubled girl as she flashed her a concerned look. "What's up Hol? What happened? You're starting to worry me." Crystal stated honestly as Holland groaned before sitting up properly. "I'm in deep shit Cry-me and Dyl just did Stiles and Lydia's first kiss scene and-" Crystal's eyes lit up excitedly as she smiled warmly at her. "Oh My God! I adore that scene, It's the sweetest moment ever!" she chirped excitedly before realising she had cut her off and closed her mouth quickly before taking a bite of another pastry. "...Well...oh god i don't know what's wrong with me but the kiss...oh god the kiss Crystal! It was so fucking good...i-i think i like him...I think i like Dylan!" Holland whined as she rambled awkwardly as she struggled to get out what she was feeling. 

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