Reunited - Part 3

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Contains smut!

Once inside, Lydia quickly got changed into a high waisted, emerald bikini that accentuated her cleavage and she tied her hair up into a messy bun. She felt extremely nervous but she wasn't quite sure why, when they were younger, the pack had spent many days at the beach together so it wasn't like they hadn't seen her in a bikini before, but she felt very different about it now since it had been so long. A lot of things had changed since then. She always felt super insecure about her body, especially after some of the scars from her past were more visible than others. She grabbed her towel and made her way outside to the back of the cabin which was completely lit up with fairy lights, the hot tub was sat to the side, with a fire pit and some seats nearby. Isaac, Liam, Kira, Malia and Scott had already got into the hot tub and Derek and Stiles seemed to be chatting on the bench surrounding it. Lydia strutted as confident as she could fake towards the hot tub, as everyone looked at her.

"Yay Lydia you're finally here come on get in, its so nice a warm!" Kira called to the girl as Lydia gave her a friendly smile. "Yeah it better be cause i am freezing." Lydia joked as she finally met Stiles' gaze. His eyes seemed to travel all over her body as he stared at her in awe. She felt a slight jump in confidence that he seemed to be drooling just looking at her. "Cum on s-sweetheart the-ere is a s-space next me." Isaac's voice suddenly rose up and both her and Stiles looked in his direction, she didn't fail to notice the fresh bottle in his hands or the slur in his words, he was clearly very drunk. Stiles squinted his eyes at the blonde boy in frustration. "Hmm...lucky me...." Lydia said half to herself as she placed her towel on the bench, not really wanting to let it go, and stepped into the hot tub, just as she did, Stiles got up and made his way towards it also. Lydia stared at him, she was quickly distracted by his body, which seemed to have changed so much since she last saw him. He appeared more built, with his lower stomach and arms a lot more toned and defined. She noticed that there was a small trail of dark hairs that led down from his belly button to below the band of his shorts and she was desperate to find out where it went, but she quickly looked away as Stiles seemed to catch her checking him out as he smirked at her wondering eyes.

Lydia sat down in the warm bubbling water as she immediately felt Isaac move closer to her under the water. Just as he placed an arm around the back of her, Stiles hopped in too, sitting on the other side of her with a huff as he saw Isaac already making moves on her. Allison quickly walked back in, wearing a jet black bikini and carrying some snacks and drinks which she placed on the side, before climbing in next to Scott as he gave her a hug. The pack all began talking amongst themselves as Isaac turned his attention back to Lydia. "Well-have t- say babe, you l-look so fuckin hot." He complimented her with a wink as she gave him a fake smile. "Oh erm thanks, that's very sweet of you..." She responded back dryly as she felt his hand reach her shoulder. "But see i b-bet you would look even hotter out of it...and u-underneath me." He stated crudely before taking a swig out of his drink. Lydia laughed falsely as she tried her best to hide her discomfort. She turned back to catch a glance of Stiles as he tried his best to move closer to her, his frustrated eyes strained on Isaac.

"Don't be daft Isaac, you know that would never happen." Lydia reminded him as he laughed callously at her response. "Oh don't be so sure babe, it will happen, i-i know how much u want me, i can practically feel how w-wet you are for me." He said vulgarly as he placed his now empty drink on the side and Lydia began to feel him touch up her thigh under the water, she jumped instantly at his foreign touch. "WOAH. Isaac no. That's enough! Stop it!" She pushed him away hastily but it didn't stop him as he grabbed her leg tightly. "Oh come on babe stop b-being a prude. You've been flirting with me all night, you can't chicken out on me now!" he said meanly. This was the final straw for Stiles as he jumped up and pushed Isaac away hard, making him fall back slightly into the water. "She said NO Isaac, so back off!" Stiles yelled at him angrily as he stood close to her, she felt slightly shaken up as she stared up at him in shock. The pack was now silent as they all watched the scene unfold with wide eyes. "HEY! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Isaac stood up quickly in the water, now completely dripping, as he began to get more furious. "She said no Isaac, you shouldn't be touching her like that!" Stiles retorted hastily as he made sure to stand in front of her, acting like a barrier between her and Isaac.

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