Twisted Universe

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Au: Stiles is Spider-Man and Lydia doesn't know.

Lydia felt like ice as she walked quickly through the dark wet streets. Her dress was practically second skin to her as she immediately hated herself for forgetting an umbrella. She wrapped her hands around her small frame in a weak attempt to keep some warmth in her body, clutching her bag hard. Her heels clicked obviously on the wet grungy pavements as she looked around anxiously. She'd never make it home at this rate. She knew of a shortcut through one of the back alleys but she knew how risky that was, this was a bad side of town. But she couldn't get grounded again, upon turning a corner, she spotted a dark figure of a man in one of the corners nearby and he instantly seemed to perk up at seeing her. He called out to her, making her heart stop as she began to panic. She turned heel and headed the other direction but he spoke again, "hey! Where you going baby? Come on!" His sleazy voice sent shivers down her body, as she sped up her pace, only to be met with three other men on her other side as they began to step closer. She audibly gasped, her eyes widening as she began to rush more in the other direction. The men started to surround her as she heard them pick up their pace, following her. Without even needing to turn back, she began to run, her heart in her mouth as she felt utterly terrified.

The men chased her into a dead ended alley, as they backed her up against a wall. She pressed herself hard against the wet slippery surface of the wall in an attempt to get away from her as they made goading remarks. One of the men got close to her, attempting to kiss her as the rest of them laughed callously as she immediately backed away from him. "Oh come on sweetheart! Dressed like that around here? You're asking for trouble!" One of them said filthily as the rest of them chuckled. "Leave me alone!" She screamed as she attempted to push past them, through a gap in the circle but one of them grabbed her by the waist with ease, flinging her back into the wall with a harsh thud as she began to scream. One grabbed her by the shoulder as she swung her bag hard into the attacker, knocking him back in a way that seemed to let the others know to jump in. All at once they surrounded her, pulling and grabbing at her as she desperately tried to get away. They easily overpowered her as one of them grabbed her by the waist, picking her up and off the floor as she kicked out aggressively to no avail. Another in front of her, who she guessed was the leader, suddenly made things 10x worse as he whipped out a switchblade. Lydia panicked, screaming and flailing about and she attempted to escape, luckily for her the rain made her slippy to hold onto to as she fell from the man's arms, landing clumsily on her feet as she attempted to make a run for it. But just as she got a little further, she felt a hard push as she got shoved from behind into the nearby wall as two of the men pinned her. She closed her eyes, tears filling them as she realised this could be it for her, there was no escape.

Within moments, the pressure on her back from the men was released as it seemed something had dragged them off of her and pulled them away. She turned cautiously around to see them being dragged away by white webs, pulling them into a dark corner to their frustrations. Out of nowhere, a man lands agilely near them, dressed in a red and blue skin tight suit as she squinted in the heavy rain to see who it was. He stepped towards them confidently, taking them all on one by one as he kicked and punched them with ease. Lydia stepped back from the fighting slightly, she knew that this was her chance to escape but her curiosity got the better of her. The mystery man seemed to hold the power of ten men as he beat them up easily, flipping and jumping around them in a way that seemed completely professional. Was it him? She couldn't tell in the pouring rain obstructing her vision. Either way, she couldn't help but be amazed by her saviour. With a few last kicks and two of the men being flung away, the attackers were defeated as the mysterious man stood breathing heavy. She gulped, a slight fear rising up her body at this man that looked anything but human, but she pushed it away. She'd seen this man before, she was sure of it. But she needed to know who he was. Lydia looked around at the bodies of the now subdued men, taking a deep breath before looking back at the strange man. She stepped closer to him but as soon as she did, he seemed to run away, down into the darkness. "No! Wait! Come back! please!" She called out to him but as she got closer he seemed to have disappeared into thin air, like a fragment of her imagination.

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