Chapter 14

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Dark World, ???

Third p.o.v

Ralsei and Xion are rushing towards another world that Ralsei told Xion who was confused about. 'A new world?' she thought. Xion then stops Ralsei and he turned to her wondering why she stop? "I have a better idea" said Xion as she active her psychokinesis and started to levitated. "I can fly us there and you can tell me which way to go" Ralsei blushed at her then nods, Xion held her hand out waiting for Ralsei to take it which he did. Soon the two were now flying towards a new world that Ralsei mention.

Soon Ralsei told Xion to stop here, she stop using her psychokinesis. They started to run which they eventually saw Kris and Susie "There they are!" said Xion, then they saw some Darker who was about to attack but lucky Ralsei cast a spell on them and spared them. Both Kris and Susie become confused and turned around and saw Ralsei and Xion running towards them. "I just used my Pacify spell to put them into 'Sleep Mode'!" Ralsei "Ralsei! Xion! You're here!" said Susie, Kris then saw that Mono wasn't with them "Where's Mono?" he ask, "I don't know? He hasn't come back yet" said Xion. "So what are you two doing here?" ask Kris "I felt a dark presence and hurried over!" said Ralsei as he looked around "It seem that a New Dark Fountain has appeared..." Susie then looked forward "Something wrong Susie?" ask Xion "They got Noelle!" Before Xion could ask who took Noelle but Susie continued "Damn, what was she THINKING messing in our Dark World !? If we don't do something she might be..." "Worry not, Susie! All we have to do is seal the fountain!" Ralsei remind her. "...yeah. Yeah! Can't be mad about another adventure, right!?" said Susie, Xion smiled at Susie and said "Will get her back Susie, I promise!" "Yeah, yeah!" Susie turned to look at Kris "C'mon, Kris! Let's go!". The Fun Gang then started to walk ahead except for Xion, Ralsei then noticed Xion wasn't coming "Xion? Are you coming?" the rest of the Fun Gang stops and looks back at Xion. "I-I I'm not sure if you guys want me to come along" Ralsei smiled at her "Of course you can come along! We just need to teach you how to spare enemies peacefully!" Kris nods and Susie rolled her eyes playfully. "Alright! I'll try my best!" said Xion.

Xion joined the Fun Gang

Xion then walk along side Ralsei, Kris and Susie in this new World. They slide down while avoiding someone attack and finally they have reach the bottom. They then saw some bright lights up ahead, once they reach it they found a city in a distance. "A city?" said Xion "Wonder what's in there?" ask Susie. They continued ahead until they saw a hologram that says 'Cyber World' "Cyber World? Wonder what this place is about?" ask Xion which causes Kris to shrugged. They started to walk and explore the place until they got in a battle with Werewires.

Susie and Ralsei were waiting for Kris command while Xion doesn't know what to do."Don't worry Xion, we just have to wait and see what Kris tells us to do" said Ralsei while Xion nods at him. Kris used ACT on Susie by Throw wire, while Xion and Ralsei just defend for extra TP. Once the Werewires were all loose Kris and Susie spared the enemy's. Xion took a deep breath "Don't worry Xion as long we listen to Kris command I'm sure we'll be just fine" said Ralsei and Xion gave him a nod. "Let's get moving" said Kris and they started to walk into this Cyber World.

As they were walking through Xion thought she saw something but she told herself she must be seeing things. As they continued on, battling enemy's and sparing them in the end, they even road some what it looks like spinning tea cups but there were only three, Kris and Susie got one for themselves and Ralsei and Xion shared one which causes them to blush. 'It just for once hopefully' thought Ralsei. After they road the spinning teacups, they went ahead they talk to some Darker on the way of recusing Noelle saying there has been a outrage going on with The Queen.

Soon The Fun Gang came across a capture Noelle and The Queen. "Noelle!" shouted Susie "S...Susie!? Kris...!?...Ralsei!?....Xion!?" said Noelle "Don't worry, we won't let your face get robotized!" said Susie, this causes Noelle to panic "THAT'S...SOMETHING THEY'RE GOING TO DO!?" Susie then rubs her neck awkwardly "Whoops, thought, uh you knew that" The Queen then look disappointed "Oh Dear That Was Supposed To Be A Surprised" She then changed her emotion quickly "Oh Well" she then send Noelle somewhere else which causes Susie to shout "W-wait---!!" The Queen face away from The Fun Gang "It Is Quite Troubling A Peon Must Be "Willing" To Assist Me In World Domination If Only She Had Fellow Peons To Encourage Her" "So...?" said Susie like she doesn't care, The Queen turn to look at them "So Like...You "Guys". Hey. Are You Like...Doing Anything Right Now?" "We aren't going to help you!!" shouted Ralsei. The Queen took a step back "Understood. Mind-Changing Protocol Necessitated" Out of nowhere a Darker appeared, everyone took a step back and let the Darker do it's thing.It set down a plate and pulled off the lid which revealed an arcade game. "An...arcade game?" said Xion looking confused. "Well a GIANT arcade game" Susie corrected Xion. They all look at The Queen waiting for her to reply. "Correct. I Shall Humiliate You At: A Simple Children's Diversion With Your Self-Esteem Eradicated There Will Be No Choice But To Serve Me" she said with a laugh. The Fun Gang took a look at the arcade game "The hell!? I've never played this one before...!" said Susie "But Kris is quite good at games, aren't they?" Ralsei pointed out, Susie then looks at Kris "Oh yeah, forgot you were a nerd. Show her!!" Kris walks up to arcade machine and tries to play but unfortunately he wasn't tall enough to reach the controls and wasn't that strong to even move the controls. "Self-Esteem Eradication Complete. Running Laughing Protocol" The Queen then started to laugh at Kris. "'s ok, Kris...err...I'm short, too..." said Ralsei trying to make him feel better before Xion could tell them her idea to help Kris but Ralsei thought of an idea "K...Kris...!! Wait, I have an idea!!" Ralsei walks up to Kris. Xion was gonna interupt but let Ralsei tells Kris his idea before telling her idea. "Kris, if we can combine our powers, then...Look!! I'll show you what I've been practicing!!" Ralsei then show Kris what he has been practicing.





Ralsei just got on all fours and pretend to be a stool for Kris "Magical Stool Forme R!!" he said. Xion couldn't help but giggle with a blush forming on her face. 'That's cute' she thought "Now we're talking!! Alright Kris leave it to me!!" Susie walks towards Kris "Put your arms out!!" Kris did as he was told. "Power Beast Forme S!!" said Susie as she started to move Kris arms around. "Move your arms and I'll move 'em with ya. Let's go!!" Susie then stand on Ralsei while still holding on to Kris arms. Kris felt bad for Ralsei. "Ralsei! Are you okay!?" Xion ask "Y-Yeah...but don't worry!! This is teamwork!!" said Ralsei. "Incredible. Your Transformation Is Combing All Your Weak Points. Self-Esteem Crushing Efficiency 300% And Rising. Commence Virtual Combat." said Queen. After playing arcade game and succeed in defeating the Queen in her game.

Once they were done the arcade machine explore while they took a step back. "Heh, thought you could beat US!?" said Susie. The Queen the started to laugh "Oh My That Was Actually Quite...Amusing. You Lifeform(s) Have Exceeded My Expectations. I Will Offer You A New Exceedingly Benevolent Compromise Assimilate Into My Cyber-Army And There Is Only Fifty Percent Chance I Will Reprogram Your Face Please Select Your Choice Perished In The Chill Of Absolute Destruction Or Flourish Under The Warm Bosom Of My Hellish Reign" "Perish" said Kris, which cause Xion to be scared and Susie question about Kris answered. Ralsei then held her hand to make her feel better and calm about the situation. "Err, Queen...aren't there any other options?" ask Ralsei, Queen stops laughing, then turns to them and replied "Yes...You Can Also: Mega Perish" "Yeah, uh, no. Perishing...bites" said Susie "You Could Say It: Mega-Bytes" said Queen "Would you get out of here already!?" shouted Susie "Understood. Preference Setting Set To 'Perish'" with that Queen left the Fun Gang.

Xion then looks at Ralsei and ask "Are you sure you are alright? Kris and Susie step on you?" "Sorry Ralsei" said Kris "No, it's alright I'm fine---" Before Ralsei could say anything Xion place her hands on Ralsei shoulders, her Dimond symbols started to glow. 'She healing me' Ralsei thought. Soon Xion let go of Ralsei shoulders "I had an idea before you went into your stool form. I could've use my psychokinesis to make you guys float?" Ralsei then blush knowing that would be easier then to be stepped on as a stool. "C'mon let's go after her!" said Susie as she started to walked ahead of them. Kris, Ralsei and Xion soon followed after Susie into Cyber World.

To Be Continued...      

(This drawing belongs to me)

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