Chapter 2

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"Wake up Piper! Come on you have school today. You need to get back out there," my mother said.

Ugh... I don't really want to get ready for school but I guess my mom is right. I do need to get back out into the world and do normal things. This Mystery Man has been controlling my life for weeks now and it's not healthy for me.

"Okay Mom! I'm up, I'm up, Jeez."

I walked to the bathroom. It's basically my bathroom because nobody else uses it and I am an only child so why not own it.

I looked into the bathroom mirror and looked at myself and I was pretty horrified. I saw dark circles all around my eyes. I looked like I was punched in the face so many times and it never healed. My hair was a complete and utter mess. It was very knotted up. I wouldn't be surprised if there were animals already living in there. I took off my clothes and took a nice relaxing shower. I have 45 minutes to get ready so I'm going to take a long shower.

After I finished showering, I put on my outfit which consists of dark blue jeans with tiny holes in them, a floral tank top with a cream cardigan over it with moccasins. I brushed my hair and teeth; and my hair actually came out decent considering what it was before. Now the hard part was my eyes. I don't usually wear make-up so I didn't exactly have what I needed, but my mom does.

"Mom! I'm using your make-up to fix myself up a bit is that okay?"

"Sure thing honey, whatever helps you feel like a normal teen again." My mom said very enthusiastically.

I took her concealer, foundation and everything that I thought would help me with my eyes. I played around with it a bit and after about 15 minutes of not knowing what I was doing I looked normal.

"Goodmor- whoa Piper you look beautiful, honey" my father said. That was the nicest thing he has ever said to me since that night. He blames me for what happened. He thinks it's my fault for letting him do that.

"Thanks dad."

"Well I should be going. It's my first day back after two weeks and I really want to be on time." I said after what felt like a really awkward silence.

"Bye Piper. Have a great day. If you feel like you can't handle it anymore and it's too much just give me a call and I will be over as soon as possible." My mom said. My dad just kept looking at his phone drinking his coffee.

I kissed my mom goodbye and didn't say anything to my dad and walked out the door. It was a really nice day out for once. I was walking to my car when I remembered I forgot my keys. I turned around and at the corner of my eye I thought I saw somebody, but when I looked nobody was there.

I grabbed my keys and ran back to my car because I only have 10 minutes before school starts and it's at least a 15 minute drive. There was a piece of paper on my windshield wiper.

That was not there before? I thought to myself.

I picked it up and I felt like I was going to be sick. I couldn't believe what I saw. I thought I deleted all of those? After I got the camera in the mail, I deleted every single picture on there. I took the SD card out and destroyed it by putting it into my fireplace. I even put the camera in there just to be safe.

Whoever this person is had to be the person who was doing this. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't send these pictures out. He wouldn't want people to find out about what he did to me.

I put the picture in my purse and got in my car, started it and sped off. All I can think about was that night. That night that I was violated and abused. I felt hopeless, like I couldn't do anything because I couldn't do anything.

I stopped at a red light and looked in my rear view mirror to make sure I looked fine. In the mirror though, I saw a car that looked a little familiar. It dawned on me that that car has been following me. I was starting to get a little scared. As soon as the light turned green I was off. The car kept following me and when I pulled up at the school he kept going. But as he drove past me he drove past slowly and looked at me and smirked. I didn't want to know who that was or what that smirk meant but I needed to get into class before the final bell rings.


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