Chapter 11

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I waited for my mom to exit the room before I can regain control of m life again. I am in so much pain right now, physical and emotional, that I don't even know if I'll be able to even make it out of here alive.

No. I can't let them win. I have to get out of here and prove to them and myself that I'm not going to let anyone walk over me.

Just as I was about to look around for a weapon of some sort or something that'll help me get out, I heard what sounded like a scream. It sounded like it came from downstairs, it was very distant.

"Please stop! I'll do anything you want me to do, just please let me and my sister go!" the girl said sobbing hysterically. They kidnapped not just one more girl but her little sister too. How crazy are these people?

It sounded like they threw each girl into a room on either side of me. If I could somehow get through to each of them and tell them my plan we could all escape and take down these motherfluffers.

I tried to get up to look around but I instantly fell back down. My waist still hurts from when Colin kicked me. My head is pounding from all the blows, I wouldn't be surprised if I had a major concussion; and my legs feel sore and weak probably from all the beatings, not being able to walk, and lack of food. This was going to be harder than I thought.

Instead of moving and inflicting more pain unto myself, I turned my head in search of something and God must've been on my side at that point in time because I found what looked like the start of hole in the wall from someone punching it out of anger or something. I crawled over to see if I could remove some of the drywall to get through to the other side, although it was working it would take forever to clear a hole using just my hands and I already don't have fingernails.

"Time for food ladies! I'm going to slightly open the door and push your food inside. If you try anything stupid well... you know what's next." Colin said as he was walking up the loose floorboards on the stairs. I quickly but quietly moved the closest sitting chair in front of the hole so that no one would see it and patch it up. I moved over to the side of the bed just in time for the bedroom door to open and a plate of rice and chicken to slide inside along with Colin's head popping inside, "Enjoy your meal Pipes, and eat fast because I want you to meet our new guests."

I inspected the food. It definitely smelled good but it was probably masking the smell of poison that they mixed with it. However there was a fork sitting right on top of the plate although it was plastic it would do. I broke the fork in half to make it sharper and sturdier. After about ten minutes I was able to make a big enough hole to talk through and see at least one of each other's eyes.

"Hello? Hello is anybody there? My name is Piper and I've been kidnapped too. I have a plan though to help us escape. It might take some time but if we work together we could be out of here," no answer. *sigh* I sat against the wall hoping she didn't hurt herself or that Colin didn't take her.

"Hi yes I'm here. My name is Lizzie and my sister's name is Frannie. Can you really help me and my sister escape from here? How long have you been here? Oh my gosh I just want to go home" she started crying yet again. I don't even think I cried this much when I was first kidnapped.

"Okay Liz, it's going to be okay. Don't cry your sister needs you to stay strong and I need you to be able to function if we really want to leave. Like I said if we work together we could make it out of here. I've been here for a few days but this is the second time they took me. It's a long story on how they got me again and I'm still confused on most of it but that's a story for another time. Right now we just need to focus on how we're going to include your sister in the plans ."

"Couldn't you just make the hole on the other side?"

"I could but that could take months. I was only able to do it here because the wall was already chipping away." I knew it was going to be hard but I didn't think about the communication.

"Well leave it to me. My sister and I used to have our own way to communicate in class when the teacher would separate us. These people wouldn't be able to tell that we're talking to each other."

I tell Lizzie my plan on how to escape just before Colin and my psycho parents take each of us out of the room and into what seemed like a living room.

I turn to Lizzie. She's prettier and bigger than I imagined her to be. She has long brown hair with big brown eyes and a round chubby face like a baby however her body says otherwise. This girl looks like she benches 230 lbs. She could definitely take Colin and his posse. Frannie however, looks like a little girl. She also has long brown hair with big brown eyes but doesn't have the same round face and body shape as her sister. Then I realized that they were twins. No wonder they have their own special way to communicate.

I notice Lizzie and Frannie are staring intently at each other. Lizzie was right, you can't even tell that they're speaking.

"Alright ladies. I brought you all down here because I would like you all to meet each other. We will be spending a lot of time together. I, Colin Ertz, will take each of you individually ad shape you into the women that you are supposed to be." He did his signature menacing smirk and looked right at me. Little did he know we would be out of here before he could even lay a hand on us.

Lizzie indicated to me that she was done informing her sister of my plan and then we sat there until Colin was done having his fifteen minutes of craziness.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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