Chapter 4

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The last thing I remember was being thrown into a big black van with four huge guys.

I tried moving my arms and legs but it felt as if they were tied together. It felt like I was on pins and needles. My head was hurting me like hell, it's cold and dark in this place and all I want to do is go home. I didn't do anything to deserve this.

I started hearing footsteps. It sounded like 2 people. They stopped just in front of my "room" and I was hearing a faint discussion.

Mysterious Guy: "There is so much I want to do to her I can't wait!"

Oh No!! What is that supposed to mean? 'Do to me'? What could he possibly want to do to me. He started talking again.

Other Guy: "But boss shouldn't we get the stuff first. I thought that was important for your plans with this girl."

Mysterious Guy: "Piper! Johnny! Her name is Piper. And yes I will be getting the stuff Johnny, be patient, but I have to get to know our little guest first."

They stopped talking and I couldn't tell what was happening after that. So many things were running through my mind right now, I didn't know how to process it all.

I heard someone fumbling with keys. I tried to free my arms and legs to get out but I couldn't get the ropes untied. It was no use I was starting to get rope burns the more I moved and if he walked in while I was trying to escape then he would probably do something to me.

"Hello Ms. Piper Woods. How are you feeling today? I know I've been doing well, because you are here with me now." The Mysterious Guy said to me while doing his signature smirk again.

He held something in his hand. Something small and white, it almost looked like some sort of pills. He was walking closer and closer towards me and with each step his eyes seemed like they were filling with lust and his smirk was getting bigger. He looked like the guy that took me before but my parents told me he was arrested, unless...

"Are you the same guy that took me before?" I asked very softly, scared of what his response might be.

"Oh! So you do remember me?! I was starting to think that you've forgotten about me," he said getting very excited.

That can't be right. My parents told me he was arrested. Why would they lie to me? Why would they say the person that sexually abused me was in prison when he really wasn't?

"Why am I here? What do you want with me?"

"Soon Piper, you will find out why you are, but for now why don't we just get to know each other. Now, I'm going to untie these ropes," I got really happy inside. This is my chance to run free. "But I'm telling you now Piper, if you try to do anything stupid I will be forced to punish you and I don't want to have to do that. Do you promise not to run?" I nodded my head quickly.

He untied the ropes and there were definitely rope burns on my wrist that would at least take 1 week to heal. I sat there quietly waiting for the next thing to do. I didn't want to try anything too quickly or else he will punish me? What does that mean?

"How old are you Piper?"


"I'm 17."

"What do you like to do on your free time?"

"Well... um... I-I like to do my nails and go online shopping a lot."

"Good. Good." He said as he was getting up to go into one of the doors in the room. "I'm going to use the bathroom. Don't try anything the door is locked anyway, so you can't go anywhere."

He went into the bathroom and I quickly got up and tried looking for something that I could hit him with. There was a fireplace in back of the room with firewood in it. It wasn't burning so I picked up a firewood and waited by the door for him to get out.

"Okay Piper where we-"

I hit him as hard as I could in the face with the wood. He fell to the floor and his nose started bleeding. He looked unconscious so I took this chance to try and get out. I looked in every draw, crack and cranny for a key; or something small enough to fit through the key hole but there was nothing. The only other place I could think of to find the key was in the mysterious guy's pocket.

Oh Lord!! I quietly but quickly crept over to his side looking for the key. I saw it in his shirt pocket. I started reaching for his pocket slowly as to not wake him up. I put my hand in his pocket and got the key. I stood up and just when I was about to turn around and start running he grabbed my leg and said, "Ah ah ah! I don't think so Piper. Now be a good little girl and hand me the key before I punish you."

I slowly started handing him the key back but instead I punched him in the throat and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, and ran straight for the door. Fumbling with the key a little, I finally got it open only to find one of his men right outside the door.

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